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Posts posted by nate91

  1. 3.jpg


    You should do your fit photos like this bro, as in at height level. Your normal fit photos the ones at low angle and where you're pouting like a bitch make you look like ass. Here you're looking really good even with the blood.

    No offence/no homo.

  2. Ah just phoned GP, Glue and Hype ~ no one has them :(

    Only Hype seems to stock them but they're all sold out in NSW >.<

    If the other suggested stores didn't work out, I know that Platypus store or whatever in Market City sells them. Not sure if that's the name of the store but it's pretty hard to miss on the bottom floor. Prices I think were ~90.

  3. i cant believethe pricing on the play stuff ^ its like 2/3 times retail in tokyo.better to just proxy.shit is ugly anyways.on another note, anyone seen gladiator sandals being sold in sydney anywhere.desperate for some.cheers.

    I just assumed the sandals are everywhere, pretty much every other cwg I encounter in syd is wearing a pair. Sorry for no real useful input, good luck.

  4. i worked at subway for a year when i was back in high school.

    we used to make a bbq steak sandwich with like a pound of steak, bbq sauce, all the cheeses and then put it in the toaster oven (this is when they had just started toasting subs).

    i used spare letters to put muff pizza on the overhead menu and forgot to take it off. fired!

    i dipped my balls in the tuna at least once a week.



  5. How does the Nudie Grim Tim(dry organic) compare with APC NS(sized down 2) in terms of fit and denim quality? Asking because I'm looking for a slightly looser fit compared to my current Finn's.

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