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Melon Smuggler

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Posts posted by Melon Smuggler

  1. Here's something I've been wondering about.. What's better for straight-up hypertrophy, more reps at a more manageable weight or less reps per set at a heavier weight? And why?

  2. sometimes shit's so lame, i look, i don't understand. i turn my head and laugh.

    but i'm still trapped

    sheeps are sheeps. any color of sheep is still a sheep.

    is there a way to escape your fundamental nature?

    deny the undeniable :confused:

    smoke more (10)

    i can relate, i always envisioned my life going a certain way, modest, not big, but shit always goes bad when i least expect it. i'm still young, but it doesn't look like i'm going to get out of this anytime soon.

  3. I gotta serve this to people who may have never had Mexican food in their life. They eat tripe, but I'm not sure if I want to fuck with too much of that stuff. What is the safest pork/chicken-based taco menu + toppings for a general eating crowd?

    if it's al pastor then cilantro and onion is the norm i think.

  4. if you can get seafood you could make ceviche, dunno how that'd do at a tacqueria though. i usually eat carne asada (most places i know use flank steak, or arrachera) and chicken tacos, tongue and cessina if the place has 'em.

  5. well i've been on starting strength for about 6w now and i've made some gains on it. nothing too remarkable, but i'm not willing to go up in weight anymore so i'll take what i can get. :P should i top it off at 10w, take a rest and start a new program, like starr's 5x5? thanks.

  6. that looks good inaya. do you have those little 'points' cut as longer layers?

    i need some help too. i've been growing out my hair for a while with no real direction and it shows. it's really layered, but i'm not really happy with how i'm able to style it/how it looks. i've tried shorter hair, but i'm not feeling it on myself. i'm thinking of growing out my layers a bit and trying a more angled frame, but i'm unsure. pics here: http://s119.photobucket.com/albums/o121/penexpress/

  7. i am a fool of the highest caliber when it comes to women

    same, but part of it is me being plain dense.

    i was out with my friends last night and some girl came up to me, asked if i had a girlfriend and when i said no, gave me her name and said i was "really cute." she just stared at me and i mumbled a 'thanks', saw her expression turn sour and walked away.

    real classy.

  8. that actually looks pretty good on you leroy, def better than what you used to have.

    i'm in-between going for a cleaner, layered look and rocking an all-out shag. pics later.

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