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Posts posted by drewtetz

  1. i would love to make up something about weight balance or control points... but honestly, i just like the aesthetic. if it starts to get too heavy and hold me down on one-wheel stuff i'll take 'em off, but i anticipate leaving them on for a while. probably gonna stencil a pretty lady on them eventually. fun!

  2. so, i just got back from malawi. it was a strange country to my american eyes, home to stuff like roasted rats sold on the roadside and gin available in packets, so i was pretty excited to see a familiar name emblazoned across some sweet, sweet denim at the market.





    these babies cost me about the equivalent of eight dollars. what a steal! there's some sick detailing, too, like the buttonhole that's actually just embroidered instead of cut.


    i just wish i picked up the matching belt buckle and chitenji. oh, africa! will your wonders never cease?


  3. 2831218054_0035e078b4_b.jpg

    new stencil. no idea what i'll do the full-size one on, but i'll put what fits of it on a skate deck.

    i'm really hoping to try and sell a deck. does anybody have any tips about the best place to do it and pricing and stuff like that? i've never sold any art before, so i'm all nervous and confused about it. and i probably won't make any money. but, you know, experience and all...

  4. quick question.

    i'm saving money (and learning more) before buying a "nice" bike, but i want a commuter bike to get me to class and back and to hold me over until i upgrade. saw a schwinn varsity for $65. is that a terrible idea? never had a road bike before, so any input's appreciated.

  5. this year, i guess, the design building at my school closes at 10 PM instead of at 1 AM.

    when i found out, i kind of yelled at a security guard a bit. i don't think he really deserved that, 'cause he was actually really nice, but i don't know. 10 PM is too fucking early. verdict is out.

  6. adding to the "do not eat" list: grapes. waaaay too sweet, made me go "flawhabuflahb".

    adding to the "that's weird" list: tomatoes. didn't taste the skin at all, and took all the vegetable-ness out of the way. it's actually kind of good, you know, all juicy and stuff, but mostly just weird.

    disappointing: dark chocolate, black coffee.

  7. awesome thread. i grew up playing gameboy and reading all the time so i'm really bad at making eye contact, but i've managed to use it for my advantage, 'cause if i see someone that i know but don't want to talk to i just power through on past them and pretend i can't hear them. maybe that makes me a dick? i don't know.

    i've been an awkward dude my whole life, so i take a lot of stuff in stride, but two that always get me are:

    - when you look up from a menu or a conversation or something and make DIRECT EYE CONTACT with somebody who just happened to be looking in your direction. i've got friends that refuse to break the stare and just mean mug it out til the other person feels awkward, but i just don't have the constitution for it. i go into full-on panic mode and whirl around as fast as humanly possible, and then i blush furiously because i know they're still looking. the best ever was when i was walking around campus and this happened, because on the turnaround i slammed into a tiny freshman girl from my psychology class. damn.

    - also gotta echo the "unable to end a phone call" thing. the worst is when you start with the "well, i guess i should probably let you-" and then they cut in with another awkward question. jesus. sometimes i get a thought, like, "maybe i should just yell 'PEEEEEACE!' and slam the phone down", and it becomes so stupid and so funny to me that i can't think about anything else, much less exert the effort needed to carry on an awkward conversation like that.

    please don't tell me the subconscious-joke-obsession thing only happens to me.

  8. lots of appreciation for the deep-fried avocado. here's beer-battered avocado from rosie's cantina in o'ahu:


    such a beautiful way to die. i'm usually not even that into avocado, but this blew the roof off the proverbial mother.

    this might not be quite unhealthy enough for this thread, but this was a tribute to the bacon-wrapped hotdog my friends and i did when clearing out a fridge. mini-links wrapped in bacon on a buttered ritz cracker.


    goddamn, this thread is so good. i hope something with waffles comes up soon.

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