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Posts posted by onemanarmy

  1. Friend told me this story and said it was true, then heard it from another friend as well. This is in New Jersey btw.

    This girl was hired to babysit a few kids in this huge mansion. She was asked to stay over the weekend because the parents were gone on vacation and was allowed to stay in one of the attics. After her first day with the kids, she went upstairs into the attic and was about to sleep when she saw a small clown statue in the corner in the dark. She got a bit scared and took her cell-phone and called the parents to ask what the deal was with this clown statue they had up in the attic, and they responded they didn't know about a statue but claimed they had a bunch of shit in the attic that had accumulated over the years. So she hung up and tried to go back to sleep and kept staring at this clown statue when it BLINKED. She screamed and ran down and called the cops. The cops came and it turned out that the clown was a schizophrenic homeless midget who thought he was a clown and lived in the attic of this huge mansion for over a month. The kids actually played with him and brought him food everyday and shit.

    Scary as hell but they said he was a very nice(but mentally insane) person and was harmless.


    midget.clown.in.the.dark = holyshit! :eek:

  2. Dont those come with your computer? Why did you get an extra one?

    The ones that come with macs is the wired USB full-size keyboard. The one he posted is the wireless bluetooth keyboard. Less wire-clutter, more mobile.

  3. hey guys , was wondering roughly how long will apc.fr take to process the order and send to singapore?

    been waiting for 13 days. :(

    I placed an order on the 26th and today I got confirmation that it shipped. im in the EU though so YMMV. It is also sales time so they are probably slower than usual.

  4. Portugal looks good, but with nuno gomes....i dun think so

    either germany or italy

    Nuno gomes actually did very well in yesterday's match against Turkey, and Ronaldo was ace.

  5. always wondered what hap and bizzy do. seems like they have an endless supply of new things to wear!

    Don't know about bizzy, but as per http://www.thefashionspot.com/sidewalk-cafe/what-are-you-wearing-today-71 this is what hap does

    Q: What is your occupation?

    A: During the day i manage a designer resale clothing store and website (www.doublexposure.co.nz) which keeps me out of trouble, plus I get to play with clothes all day and see some fantastic things.

  6. Ok I got a macbook pro today and I am still getting used to it. I know there where a lot of recomendations of stuff but there was a lot to process. I just need to know what programs would be good to download for entertainment stuff like torrenting, etc. What other must have programs are there? Also is there anything I should delete from the mackbook? Also Safari sucks. Should I download firefox or is there a superrior browser? Thanks all for the help.

    For torrents, use Transmission. It is pretty damn fast, supports encryption, selective downloading, and is very light weight.

    Concerning freeing extra space, use Monolingual to delete unnecessary language packs. That should free a couple of gigs.

    I also would recommend downloading two plugins for quicktime which will allow you to play almost every kind of video using front row: flip4mac and perian.

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