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Posts posted by eightfour

  1. I hope they disregard the dvd movies they were okay but it kinda ruined the plot also.

    Agreed. I can't believe they fucked with Seymour's backstory >=[

    for ur troubles

    Thanks for the neg bro. Feel better?

  2. Also, I'm looking for a pair of either in a size 29. Blue in green and self edge are both sold out. Where should I look?

    You can try Kaizoku Pirates, I ordered a pair of 6x6 (with a red tab) from them last week. It came out to around $230 shipped to the States.

    Try emailing [email protected] and ask if they have a pair in your size.

  3. lol, right movie but affleck def. wasn't in that.

    that rudd dude looks like him though

    Haha actually the black kid in the movie calls him Ben Affleck in the movie, I thought mass was referencing that quote but maybe not.

  4. I mainly want to tighten up the denim so the fit does as well. Would a simple one hour cold soak and hang dry do it? Or should I soak them longer?

    Hot soak, and soaking for an hour should be fine.

  5. Getting back to my fits. I've been dressing myself for a very long time (obviously) and have been pretty well respected IRL for my style/swag. It's very cool if you don't dig it but please don't expect me to change because SUFU hates it.

    carry on

    I'm curious, why do you bother posting your fits on SuFu? This doesn't seem like the audience you're looking for.

  6. From BiG's website:

    6x6 model (The thickness of threads and yarns are measured in numbers, #0 being the thickest and decreasing in size with a higher number. Therefore 6x6 indicates this model uses #6 indigo warp threads and #6 ecru weft yarn and is heavier in weight and darker in color than the 7x6 model which uses #7 warp threads and #6 weft yarns for a lighter weight and lighter color denim).
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