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Posts posted by chromewaves.

  1. Watching this short film, smoking fags and drinking coffee.

    Indeed. Rather excellent.

    coffee + cigs

    fresh snow + sunshine

    turkey + stuffing + cranberry sauce

    Jaguar + reverb + delay

    tropical weather + mercifully brief rainstorms

  2. I'm afraid that my picks are rather cliche, as well, but nonetheless.... Even if I don't listen to all of these that much nowadays, at the point I listened to them they were pretty revelatory.

    The Smiths - s/t - Morrissey and Marr....what can you really say? Just a brilliant debut and introduced me to what would become probably my favourite band ever.

    That said I even came to this band a little "late" (read: late teens) and maybe that's for the best; I can only imagine if I listened to them at 13/14 the embarrasing fanboy shit I would have done due to love for the band.

    New Order - Movement - "Oh hey, dancey electro bleep bloop music can actually be pretty cool"

    Talk Talk - Laughing Stock/Slint - Spiderland - the former is one of the most beautiful albums of all time, the latter a pretty harrowing listening experience, but both blew my mind and changed what I considered "real" (and "rock") music.

    DJ Shadow - Endtroducing - Showed me what you could really do with good samples and good production. Got me into other similar artists and even though I rarely listen to it now, whenever I put it on I'm reminded of just how good it is even over a decade later.

    The Beatles - Revolver/OKComputer - Insert Obligatory cannonized rock album here.

    I also have to give a mention to "Freaky Styley" by RHCP, simply because at the tender age of 10, I picked up this strange looking cassette with odd cover art that was my first "real" album I ever owned....

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