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Posts posted by vard

  1. guys, calm down. i didn't say that the us were full of world beaters, but each team needs a creative playmaker and for better or for worse ours is donovan. like i said, just compare the matches he's in vs the ones he's not in. he can a) create space, B) put a ball in and c) score. don't know what more you're looking for given the circumstances.

    i think this argument about donovan being pants because he won't go overseas is ridiculous. until recently, you could say the same thing about every single mexican player but they never got any stick about it. yes, he's a moron and would he benefit from growing a pair? absolutely.

    fatchino - what's roy keane, chopped liver? or henrik larsson for that matter.

    Well put, he is our playmaker. I hate it...but he is. and he does make a difference. Guess I lost my head. It just sucks that its him. I love that our young players are looking to go abroad to play club tough. Its going to create the kind of players that could really help USMNT.

    Fatchino, I am with ready on this one. Keano is one of the best players to see the pitch in my lifetime. He was the true captain fantastic. He was a hard nose leader with amazing foot skills. You don't find too many players that can play has hard as he did and still have the ability to dice some players up and put it in the back of the net. Maybe no great players go to Scotland unless its to play at Park Head.

  2. I am saying that both US and England are missing that creativity. Now England still has some other elements that the US doesn't. I wasn't saying we have ANY creativity. I would have to check myself into a psyc ward if I said that. As for Duce, LandyCakes and Beas.... You all are smoking something serious if you think that they have made it to any decent level. NONE of them can hack it at any decent level in Europe. Beasly is from my hometown and is kinda a hometown hero, but JEEEESUS HOW IS HE ON OUR NATIONAL TEAM. He is terrible. He is fast. Thats it. His touch makes me ill. I coach ten year olds with better foot skills than him.

    Landy Cakes.... I have hated the guy for some time, and although his foot skills are far greater than Beas, you have to look at why he isn't over seas if he is so great. The guy wont go in for a tackle. He backs off. He needs to toughen up, bump some shoulders and go at people if we want the US to start getting some results....

    As for Duce...


    ...Enough said...

    Our young players ("no names") are the ones with talent.

  3. England is the best team in the world ever.

    Yes I am delusional.

    In all honesty I think England is missing one thing that the US is (US is missing a lot more than this one thing). Its a truly creative player. They have a bunch of good players but where is their spark? That one player that every time they get the ball every englishman cant look away, and ever apposing fan cringes at the thought of what they are going to do.

  4. ya... Spain's due for a major title... and why not with all that talent...

    Spain is long overdue but they have talent ever year but cant take it anywhere. I don't know what it is. I have been on the Spain kick for a couple years now but they just cant do anything. My heart is with Spain but my dividends will be put on the Germans even though I hate them with a passion.

  5. not to be a dick, but just read the past 5-10 pages of the thread and you'll find the info. it's probably been discussed 4 times in those pages.

    Shit, my bad. I read the first few and decided that I cant read all this. Thanks though.

  6. Hey, sorry if this is a repeat guys, but I am trying to get a new bike to start riding to work/school, and in some local events. I have been riding my little brothers mountain bike from high school, and its killing me. I went to a local shop the other day and the put me on a specialized, langster. It felt good but being new to actually riding what should I be looking for? Looking to spend? Fixed gear or multi? Any different brands? Let me know.

  7. ^

    With all due respect the US men's team suck.

    I'm not saying they play well. Its just my national side. Its safe to say that I may never put money on them, although I would like to see some decent results. Who is it that you support? Who would you say could take Euro2008? Who is the top national team in the world?

  8. uhhh... I know your a superjunkie and this is only my second post but even I can see that there is one pic in 10 pages of discussion. Thats not what graf is about. Graf artists are visual communicators. Why don't you go back to your graf discussion, and keep talking while we get a feel for what the graf scene actually looks like in other neighborhoods.

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