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Posts posted by Berserker

  1. I am just stopping by to share with you my appreciation for the quality of bud I seem to always pick up. I see people talking about how a 20 sack, thats 2 grams I'm assuming, gets 3 people nice and high. The bud I've been getting, 20 dollars for 3 grams, and one big bowl can get three people real toasted. Hope one day everybody can experience an abundance of great weed : - )

  2. Umm I think you need some viable evidence for whomever you're trying to get a scrip from, aka a psych assessment, but don't quote me on that. Just go to your doctor and ask questions, basically explaining to them you have a lot of trouble focusing and getting tasks done without distraction.

    my proof of this drugs wonderful function:

    last year i popped a couple 36s the night before my final gr12 enhanced chemistry exam, taught myself and studied an entire unit we never covered in class, and aced that portion of the exam which nobody else chose to write. God Bless Adderall.

  3. conan. introduced me to it

    funnily enough i've never used it to study

    but probably will do soon enough

    ahaha yo, you been takin MY BROTHER'S ADDERALL FOOL

    house is stashed with it, so i hooked conan up, who hooked you up

    so sick

    also recently got test results from psychologist, i have ADHD

    going to physician tomorrow to acquire scrip. will try to get quick release for railing purposes wahahaha

  4. Okay, I need to share my experience with Pineapple Express.

    first off, does anybody else feel like they understand, and remember the entire movie very vividly somewhere deep in their mind, but they are unable to explain SHIT about it?

    that's how I feel.

    secondly, does anybody remember a scene very near the beginning where several people were making extremely strange noises? I cannot remember any of it for the life of my because I was far too caught up in the torrent of laughter that overtook the theatre.

    Wondering if anybody had a similar experience? : - )

    P.S. It was amazing, definitly see while stoned.

  5. hippy hill at Guelph Univ?

    ... or are there hippy hills at all universities/colleges?

    if you're referring to Guelph Univ in ontario

    im still contemplating going

    i only know one dude who's going haha and hes like 4 years my elder

    you know anything about it? only info i have about it is that a fuckload of people are going

    on another note, picking up 2 oz for 280 tomorrow in preparation:D

  6. back on topic, i got a question... is a spacecase grinder really worth the money?

    if you're talking the crystal catcher one, definitly

    cost around 80 bucks correct? and comes with a lifetime guarentee :eek:

  7. i occasionally smoke it in my neighbors basement

    is it true that every brown person has upwards of 5 hookah machines???????????

    anyone ever have the problem where you're super baked, trying to start up some shisha and the coal always breaks when u tryin to light it?


  8. ^^^^ agreed

    UNC Ash got destroyed

    and a lot of it has to do with him, i can't believe they have him on the floor as much as they do (did)

    he has too great of a downside to ever be 'good'

    doubt he'll ever make it out of D-league : - (

    he CAN dunk without leaving the ground though haha, what would happen if he entered the dunk contest and did like a 1080 on the ground?

  9. Good to see so many people into this shit

    just picked up an O of dank shit for 160 yeyeye


    unfortunately this friday's my last time smoking till the 20th of April.

    taking a little break, as i smoked way too much over march break.

  10. couple of years for a qp? :confused:

    LOL @ MATH

    16 ounces = pound

    7 oz not = 1/4 pound

    on a seperate note

    last purchase i made was an ounce of BC Mango

    1 waterfall/bucket and ur fucked

    also has an EXTREME aroma of mango:D

    what are you guys paying for an ounce of goodass shit?

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