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Posts posted by FJO

  1. I don't know how 'less obvious' this is, but I always thought Sherilyn Fenn from Twin Peaks was gorgeous.


    She actually showed up in 'that show I have to watch because my girlfriend always does' The Gilmore Girls, still looking decent. She was some dudes baby momma. Madchen Amick from Twin Peaks had some cameo's in that show as well as somebody's whatever.

  2. I'm not hating on the Roots here, but (and this is a but that's been bothering me for a while) isn't the hype like this before every single album they have dropped since Things Fall Apart? There's mad buzz on the low, and inititally the album is perceived as genius, but then after two months everybody has moved on. It's like the only time you hear anything from these guys is in anticipation of a new album.

  3. I could jam out to this in a club pretty well. . .it's got french lyrics and an ugly beat, what more can i ask for?


    Hey, if french lyrics are your thing and you don't mind some high end couture electronics and chopped up disco/new wave samples, allow me to shamelessly plug some friends of mine by the name of Le Le:


    Debutalbum Flage is on there in it's entirety. German/Dutch/English lyrics as well.

    Plug plug. I have no shame, therefor they call me the Shameless One.

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