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Posts posted by sircheesecake

  1. when i was a kid i used to sneak quarters out of my mom's coin purse to buy shit from the scholastic book order.

    when i was 10, I was sneaking 20s out of my moms purse to buy god knows what.

  2. I bought these in june but they were one size too small for me and I never really liked how they fit on me. They have been worn at max 10 times. Hem job was done by selfedge at the time of purchase. I am looking to either sell these or trade them for something similar but one waist size up.



  3. .will17, take a year off from studies if it is worrying you so much. Go on a roadtrip. go backpack europe, asia, aus, etc. Do crazy shit you would never do before. Party. Try some drugs. Meet new people. Explore. Push your boundaries. But as freecat said, FIND YOUR THING.

  4. shit man. everything doesnt have to be planned. part of the fun is the adventure.

    Alot of the best food is tucked in alleys in places you never would look. Cheap, authentic and tasty. Some of the best foreign food in japan can be found the same way. Of course you can go to famous places and pay big bucks but there is loads of really good food to be found.

    Hiroshima is like 4 hours or something by shinkansen if i remember correctly. The peace memorial is a total tourist trap even in the off season. Hiroshimayaki is pretty decent but I dunno if it would be worth it to go down to hiroshima on your limited schedule

    Hokkaido will be looking pretty shitty in late march. Snow is melting and there will be zero green and lots of gray. Plus its one long ass train ride away. Most people fly up there. I would pass on it unless there is something you want to see or do up there.

    I dont know why you would really want to go to rural places. Inaka is inaka no matter where the fuck you are. Bumfuck georgia would be pretty similar, plus all the old japanese grandmas riding bikes around (and not paying attention to traffic.)

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