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Posts posted by automaton

  1. Nice! How is the Rm1x, I've been trying to get one at a decent price for a while now

    Its a lot of fun man, I highly recommend it as a tight MIDI sequencer. I got mine for about $200 cdn and that seems to be the going price for them on ebay and such.


    They are pretty simple to get going and I haven't dived too deep into all of its capabilities yet. I am only using it as a sequencer but I know that you can do some cool stuff with the onboard drums and synths.


    Here's another new one using the RM1x as the starting point :)


  2. I'm running a hardware + live setup currently and it's quite a bit of fun. I have a mixer that I run all my gear into and then basicallly just use Live to record and arrange. My drum machine has a 2 channel CV sequencer so I have my bass and lead sequenced there and then play my poly synth over top of that. My next purchase is a Cirklon sequencer so I will be able to have everything sequenced through that, really looking forward to it.


    Like I said it's a lot of fun, but it hasn't really made me anymore productive. I still have a lot of unfinished tracks and I also struggle to come up with work that I'm happy enough with to see through to completion. In the meantime though, the hardware stuff is waaaay more fun to play with and is more inspiring than pushing around midi notes in Live. Another bonus is that jamming with friends is a lot easier when you have hardware

  3. Very jealous. Tryna make a move away from the laptop and I just got a Focusrite Saffire 6 for free and still figuring out what to get for my first synth. And what sequence/groovebox to get. All on a tight budget, sometimes think its better to stick with soft synths for the price. Got a long way to go


    thanks : )



    I recommend getting a microbrute as your first synth. They are very affordable, sound great and offer all sorts of modulation options with other pieces. The Korg Volcas are also a good option and are even cheaper

  4. Anybody here familiar with he Tempest Analog Drum Machine? If so, how do you like it? 


    My friend who I work on music with has the Tempest and loves it. It's a bit of a learning curve for sure, but it's got a lot of options and is very versatile and most importantly sounds great. In addition to drum sounds it can make a lot of cool synth sounds as well, bass, pads, effects etc... One common complaint that I have heard about the Tempest is that the OS is still a work in progress. But even still as is it's still a great analog drum machine, especially if you can find one used and save yourself a few hundred dollars.

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