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Posts posted by ethandesu

  1. I got through about 10 pages of this thread before the pure negativity had me wanting to cancel my Sufu account.

    I was coming to Sufu years ago, and loving many aspects of it over Styleforum, and for the most part I still feel that way. But the beauty of classic denim and classic menswear is in the revelry of details, it is in the stories behing each idiosyncracy. Without the individuals and the history, we may as well all be buying the cheapest mass produced garbage we find.

    When I was in Japan, nearly 12 years ago, I was working with some of the original guys that bought the old Cone Mills looms and started weaving denim in the early 90's. The guys who worked for those guys went on to do something different, taking that story, that experience, and making it something new.

    The people I am lucky enough to work with in classic tailored clothing now have similar stories, only older. The man most renowned for starting the tailoring tradition in the south of Italy trained two of the tailors I currently work with, both of whom are 70 plus years old and fiercely passionate about their (very different) regional styles. The angle of a shoulder, the presence of a front dart on a jacket - these are the minutiae as relevent as whether you wear a Dubow or Roughwear A2. They aren't important at all, of course, but it's something people who are interested in this aesthetic can be passionate and opinionated about.

    I'll admit that there is much to cringe about in menswear. As a man with a bad temper, I know that throwing around phrases like 'Fuck Off' and giving the middle finger as a fashion gesture reeks of adolescent temper tantrum. But growing up in a less than ideal cultural and social community, plagued by illiteracy, crime and gang culture, I find the feigned ignorance and rap talk equally juvenile.

    As a community, where I have always had great affection for Super Future is in it's willingness to treat the stupidity involved in fashion for what it is, ignore it, and enjoy what makes the industry great. I guess I have been away from Sufu too long.

    And to bring this back to point - Agyesh is in product development for Isaia, is incredibly talented, and looks as comfortable and natural in his aesthetic as Pharrell looks in his. I've met them both, sat down to talk to both, and both own their styles. Agyesh has talent that will see him become the next generation continuing this industry, long after the McNasty's have run out of gimmicks to play and rap references to insult the consumer with.


  2. tumblr_ln71ssQWtI1qad1ef1.jpg

    My Galosh boots in Cognac Cordovan, custom made by Carmina in Spain. They took some heavy abuse in Sydney before I left for Hong Kong, and now they are my go to wet weather shoe. I took to them recently with a stiff brush and a little water and got the finish to shine quite nicely.


  3. Desu and chicken legs?surely not.thats more the angle.

    but why is it that a lot of people now post their pics in this giant size?

    its said many times before that 640x480 is the way to go.

    Chicken legs - I wish. 97kgs and legs from rugby and cycling, my thighs are near to 30" each, so definitely the angle.

    Apologies for the big pics - posting from my iPad, so not able to play with sizes...


  4. Been missing the SuFu crew. New job, new country and vastly diminished wardrobe means I'm rarely SuFu worthy, but here goes all the same;


    Denims by Go Fujito for Liverano & Liverano, Firenze

    Marine Jersey by Orcival

    Belt by Andersons for The Armoury

    Alden Flexwelt Chukkas

    Now I just have to hunt down some other denim heads here in Hong Kong....


  5. Sorry all - I'm a bad SuFu'er. Has been a crazy few months - Quit my job, contemplated moving to Hong Kong. Told my wife to quit her job. Decided not to go to HK, but to stay here. Agreed to go to HK for a month. Twiddling my thumbs till the start of January.

    In other news - which SuFu'ers are going to Pitti?



    Sugarcane 66's, 68&Bros Shirt, Alden Flexwelt Chukkas & Omega Speedy Mark III


  6. Been away a while - too much work….

    Soon off to Hong Kong, any must see places from the Sufu perspective?

    From a meet up yeserday, doing some trades on vintage BR, RMC and such, with a great friend from the old days of The Real McCoys…


    Killer pair of Job Masters


    Vintage Bell patched BR L2B


    Alden FlexWelts in two colours


    Vintage Cushman boiled wool


    LVC Tee and Sugarcanes Chino


    8 Hour Union Chambray from RMC


    Good times in Sydney's Five Ways


  7. Been far too busy with the nine to five, ties and british benchmades everyday. Feel like a stranger on SuFu again...

    Spent the morning drinking coffees at the markets waiting for my wife to get out of bed.

    P8215167.jpg RRL bootcuts and Justin boots

    P8215177.jpgP8215176.jpgP8215168.jpg RRL Chinos, Clarks Desert Boots abd Mister Freedom Peacoat on JC.


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