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Posts posted by clackclack

  1. Holy! I wasn't really expecting any replies but thank you all for the various and assorted comments both positive and negative.

    As for the comments about being an ignorant reatiler, thanks, but I don't think so. I'm just not expert on denim. Part of running a business is of course knowing a shit ton about your stock and loving everything you sell, but one of the most important things and hardest thing to do, is asking for a little help when you're lost. Access your allies, as they say.

    Anyhow, I understand fully how important it is to have a selection of quality denim in a boutique to round out the stock that I have already ordered. I was simply asking for brands that YOU folks like, or don't like, suggestions, things you've heard, something you've found that was rad, mostly because you are the people that know it best, you're setting the trends, and you're buying it. Why else would you post on Superdenim at 10am?! You're obsessed and I love it! You have an ear to the ground with this stuff and the time to find shit, that I don't having to a work full time job to afford to open a business! So, if some retailer tells you they didn't have ANY help in sorting out their stock it's bull, and they're lying.

    Either way, there seems to be some sort of concensus on sick Japanese denim if, that is, I can get it! That was sort of the conclusion I had come to before, but was wanting some sort of idea of what this forum thought before I went to the expense/frustration of gettin' them. I can't sell shit you don't want, so if people really want it, it's worth the money and it's fucking rad (as it seems to be looking trough the reviews and looking at their construction details) I'll book a flight to Japan and harass them in person.

    Well, anyway, thanks!

  2. Hey there folks....I've decided that I needed to consult some denim experts, or at least the denim obsessed for some help! Anyway....

    I'm opening a store in the next few months and have all the other orders covered but I'm completely lost when it comes to the denim, and I'm starting to sweat over it! Everyone here is selling APC, Nudie, ES ect but I was thinking of brining in some Japanese denim as it's pretty tough to get here and quite rad. Skulls maybe?? How do these fit in comparision to your standard fashion denim brand? Also in addtition to those brands, what do you folks think Flathead, Sugar Cane co and the like. I have no ideas on fit, wear characteristics, ect.

    So if you have suggestions, ideas, comments, or denim to buy and denim to avoid, please let me know!

    Thanks for the help!

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