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Posts posted by bernt

  1. Trimming your armpits and using a natural deodorant is ok.

    But you're a dummy if you dont wear underwear. And sweat still does stain whether or not you use aluminum-free deodorant.

  2. I quit smoking and I've really had no nicotine cravings at all. I only get the habit shit. Like after a big meal or something I want one then I remember I quit but it's not like I am fiending for one.

    piece of cake.

  3. yeah will do when it's possible. both teams were full at the time i joined so no chance of changing the team. currently going at 800*600 and the frame rates good so i'm actually doing some scoring/hitting stuff

    gonna be playing a couple more hours just to get some experience under my belt. i'm a pretty decent heavy if i have a good doc to back me up.

    is there a trick to recognise the spies form the other team? they tend to get me a lot. gets kinda hectic with 30 ppl on a server

    intuition vs. spies unless you play pyro. Learn usual spy hide-outs and shoot at anything that looks a little suspicious. As a heavy, I find it best to keep mobile unless you're killing something. Standing around with the gun spinning makes you knife bait.

    how do you guys ping on a US east server?

  4. Let it soak in rubbing alcohol and salt. Use a lot of salt and let it work itself into the pipe to agitate the resin. Swirl it around and shake it to get the resin out. Use a pipe cleaner or q-tip to get the rest and rinse under hot water.

  5. sharpstone screens are replaceable, right?

    I've got one, but it looks like just some plastic deal holding it in. Does that unscrew or something? I don't want to break it.

    I found a grinder a while ago in a shop that had a metal clip ring the held the screen in and you could replace it by using some needle-nose pliers and pulling the ring out. It came in a bag and had extra screens. Anyone know the brand?

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