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Posts posted by rcpaskus

  1. im not meaning to derail this thread, but after lots of searching, i havent been able to find a nice set of earbuds that fit my ears. i guess my ol' hearholes are too big.

    long story short: buds always fall out.

    so, anyone have any good recs?

  2. i know so little about bicycles...but want to know more.

    other than this site/thread, does anyone know of any good sites to learn the basics?

    [ie different brands, styles of bikes, parts, etc?]

  3. man, a neo*geo?

    thats impressive.

    i remember the good old days when i owned one,

    kizuna encounter, metal slug 3, all the samshos, all the king of fighters, etc.

    i sold it all for around 5 grand.

    (dont ever make the same mistake)

  4. frst post; question for everyone

    does anyone in the rl wrld ever question your sexuality with such androgynous style?

    this isn't an insult; hiend fashn has always been traditionlly androgynous.

    so im just curious.

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