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Posts posted by OptimaDies

  1. and let's say your theory is correct (it's not) i wont change the price. corter uses the exact same leather and you see he charges more. i also don't see much difference in quality from his to mine. I worked very hard and slow to ensure i could do the best i could on my wallets.

    Opps, I missed this, you must have added it when you edited.

    My theory? I didn't really have a theory, I just said your stuff looks lowgrade from the pictures due to noticeable traits(as mentioned before, range, tick, and age marks)in low-end leather that you claim to be "the best".

    i also don't see much difference in quality
    Hmm, well, look at the 6th picture I posted. Two different hides in terms of quality. The one on the left is Royal Meadow which IS the best Tandy stocks at my tannery, the one on the right is Craftsman Oak(taken from the Tandy catolog, Craftsman Oak is "a super value in an imported economy grade tooling leather."), now, which hide more closely resembles yours?

    I don't need a flame war, this isn't to bash you. I just don't want you claiming things that are misleading, that is it.

  2. hi ican answer your questions but first, why the targetting on me? first it was the snitching to the mods and now this?

    those spots are from replacing the color in photoshop i dont know why it did that because i am a total beginner at that stuff. i used it to brighten the background but for some reason as i brightened the background it also brightened spots of the leather etc.

    and this was told to me by a worker of tandy he recommended this it wasnt the best but it was somewhere up there

    i will also post pictures of my unedited stuff. without brightening the background etc.

    youll notice it doesnt look that way

    Well, first, snitching to the mods... that wasn't me buddy, but I like how you just pulled that right out of nowhere.

    "why the targetting on me?"

    You seem to have me confused with another individual on a completely seperate incident to warrant the phrase "targetting on me".

    All I am doing is merely pointing out that you shouldn't claim a price-point based on goods that can't suppliment the title of "qualtity", it's just misleading and wrong. I felt like I had to say it since, I feel slightly more informed (than the average human) for having dealt with leather.

    For me, it interfers with my personal philosophy; if you're going to sell something and say it's "the best"; it better be the best. You better make it the best you can possibly make it if someone is going to buy it. Everything should be top notch, the customer should be able to feel the quality and time you put into a piece and not feel guilty about splurging on it since they know what they paid for. The customer is your lifeline, you give them the best damn service and product you can deliver and not just "say it's the best" or "the sales guy at Tandy said it was the best".

    It's your obligation as a leathercrafter to know what the best is, to go out and find "the best", research, if you're going to claim "this is quality stuff".

    That brings me to the editing. Hey, I could be wrong, maybe you can edit a photo to such extremity that it alters the grain drastically, but I really don't think so.

    I don't mean to lecture you on my business principles, but you asked why I felt the need to post what I did.

    I''m just not really fond of jumping on the leathercrafting wagon to make a buck. I want to actually be good at what I do, and if people are willing to pay for my work then so be it, but I don't want to string together flesh for just the money.

  3. Hmm, I don't mean to be a dick about it khoiphan, but this threw me:

    The leather I used for these is one of the best leathers they had to offer so that explains the price.
    The leather you used looks really low grade, IE visible range and tick marks and an abundance of age/stretching marks as well (which are different from areas where there once was veins). Again, this isn't meant to be a personal attack, I would just recommend not stating something is topgrade when it isn't. Tandy, which I presume is where you get your leather has some really nice hides, but it is really dependent on personally picking them out as well as picking the right supplier. The smell and the feel of leather will also immediately be indicative of leather quality.

    Pictures explain things better than I do. They're intended to be big for detail.


    Taken from Khoiphan's V2. (http://www.superfuture.com/supertalk/showthread.php?t=47278)


    This is a side of Royal Meadow which is the best Tandy has to offer, unless you SPO Herman Oak. (Even then, picking out the right hide by close examination is crucial in getting a good one)


    Notice how undisturbed the grain is.



    The hide on the right is Craftsman Oak (lower grade) which is the leather I used on my first wallet, the color differences can be attributed to varying amounts of light exposure as well as Tandy's desire to take better care of their higher end leather which is the Royal Meadow on the left (a smoother and more buttery grain).


  4. beautiful pictures everyone! what color did that nudie wallet start as? any older pics?
    That is the first picture I have taken of it...I wore it for a year and a few months. Let me see if I can dig up some pictures of what they looked like brand new.

    Hmm. I'm guessing this wasn't yours tmadd, but this was the one I remember seeing (I don't remember to whom it belongs to or how old it is; will credit/correct if informed)

    (the Jeanspaleis one looks overtanned, or at least the lighting is weird)



  5. Man I haven't been on in awhile, but B-Dawg man...awesome stuff. I love the direction you're taking it, Dior double belt and houndstooth keyholder is +++. It makes me want to finish the leather projects I have been neglecting :cool:.

    Also, I second Cotton Duck on mysterious magic oragami wallet pics.

  6. Sorry if you mentioned this somewhere else Chicken, but what size did she end up going with? It's a great fit but looks a little loose in the waist (not a bad thing!), the wear is awesome btw.

  7. ^^Let me know how it is. AHWOSG was a cool read, but a book that I never felt compelled to get through, I just picked it up here and there and just read when I so happened to do so. I was introduced to Voxtrot when reading that book, and ever since then the mental pairing remains :confused:.

  8. can't we all settle this with some in&out?
    i hope you are talking about the burgers ken..

    O my brother, a baddiwad veshch not to viddy the starry sinny.

    One more thing.... will these jeans droop and eventually end up getting all sorts of saggy in the bottom area after walking in them for some time? Do I have to keep pulling them up? Or will they keep their stackiness....

    It depends if you ordered them rare, medium-rare or well-done:confused:

  9. I have not checked it out yet, I was actually supposed to start with Sam Harris stuff

    but working in a bookstore gets you quite a collection of books-that-need-to-be-read-before-buying-new-books. I just special ordered Underground by Murakami, American Pastoral (my first Roth book), and three books by Calvino. Oddly, I seem somewhat at ease with this selection in this particular thread, despite the last books mentioned being modern, or post-post modern. The Tale of Genji is just lurking the threads of my distracted subconscious.

  10. ^^ I was reading tidbits of it at the bookstore, on a related note, I picked up The God Delusion since it just came out in paperback. Neo-atheism is weird. It's often entangled in the swirling combative front against the atrocities of organized religious bodies and less about the actual belief in a God.

  11. kentheleet: thanks for the positive feedback! I'm not sure about selling quite yet. I might do an interest check first; maybe something in the supermarket or BC. Pm me if I didn't quite answer your question.

    rome1: of course! I went a little dye crazy with these last two projects, it was my first experience in the sort.

    corter: Thanks as always Corter. It is a standard box stitch, very simple, but very very time consuming. The graphic was a little experiment, I wouldn't normally sabotage a functioning wallet with some frivolous decal but in this case I'm rather interested in how it's going to turn out. Ever since Big E came down on other denim brands to remove arcs I wanted some substitute. Making wallets is fun and interesting for a lot of reasons, one of them being that wallets become one of the more prominent fades on a pair of jeans. With luck, the aforementioned graphic should help establish a specific and molded fade, the graphic seen was just my particular design but could be replaced with anything.

    jcotteri: You are absolutely correct. Back in elementry school, lanyards(what we used to call them) were really big and is also where I learned to do the stitch in the first place. Very simple, but it takes forever. It is actually modeled after the Flathead wallet rein and the wallet is again modeled after the LC flicker2.

  12. I know it's been awhile since I put something out but I'd like to present my latest creations:

    The Noir FHR (Flathead Repro) genuine kangaroo lace wallet reign and the prototype for the PKR2 (PKR short for Poker; in continuation with the harassment of womentypes by means of previously flicking & spanking) wallet. Definitely more to come.




    ps. I don't condone misogyny.

  13. Just got mine today: enjoy some pics:

    cut is really relaxed, high-rise, a 27 would have been perfect, but I can work with a 28.

    Steve, these are awesome. It's amazing how much time you put into each pair; the dark blue leaf is sublime, the presentation was also spot on. Thanks.





    Yeah, I should clean my room and mirror, but your not my mom, so don't tell me that.

  14. Macworld was pretty cool, I went on the 15th right after the keynote and got to play around with the air. It really is tiny but not really suitable for a majority of people, especially those looking to "make the switch" (I own an Imac, but I'm talking about others here) I really dig timecapsule but Apple is again up to their usual shenanigans by making it only currently compatible with the Air just to help promote their new ultra thin. Lack of a firewire port might be somewhat of a problem (for me at least) and I'm not quite sure how much Apple is sacrificing to pave the way for ultraportables, but I think they are moving in the right direction. I wanted to see some MB and MBP upgrades, but I guess ill have to wait another 6+ months for that.

    iPhone pic from the demo area:


    ps. If anyone was wondering, for a highly compressed notebook and a very thin horizontal fan, heating issues were minimal from my brief encounter. (they were demoing them for a couple of hours prior to my arrival, take it as you will)

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