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Posts posted by souljaboy

  1. putting in more than mediocre effort resulting less than mediocre results

    ancestral cerebral cortex genetic set back?

    striving for standard societal expectations

    fuck you, fuck everything

  2. whats the point of you making this thread, its clear you not appreciative of the style on this board, and they're not appreciative of you. so just look for daps at iss or something.

  3. bigups to chinese lady, black lady was dumb to be messing with a chinese lady thats probably been farming back home for more than a quarter of her life. hilarious how the crowd was rooting her on[specifically old lady infront hyping her up then pretending not to care and old dude yelling in background, then u got the english speaking broad stopping the fight..haha..wow. this shit is better than Uncle on Bus Video. "FACKA YEW!!" "PUT CHO HANNDS ON ME"

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