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Posts posted by offmybiscuits

  1. I searched this thread and there has been only some talk, but not too extensively.. but how is aluminum for street riding/locking up? I understand that it's painful on the bum for longer rides-- my riding is usually ~10 - 15miles. The bike aluminum with a CrMo fork.

    Does anyone ride aluminum for their daily? Streets are relatively smooth for riding where I live-- orange county, CA.

    I have a steel bike that I'm thinking about selling.. or should i keep it for those "longer rides", 25+ miles?

    a fellow OC'er! i live in Irvine

    roads here are really smooth too. i have an FTP and i dont have a problem with its aggresiveness. goochwise, youll feel a difference, but youll get used to it.

  2. steerer tube? that came assembled as you see it. only the stem and bars needed to be attached.

    looks like mine. this really is the most elitist thread on sufu.

    my bad, didnt mean to sound elitist. my friend just got one too, a size 54 in purple. its just that yours looks abnormally bigger because the frame is smaller and the seat is slammed down. trying to get on the bike with your raised seatpost will takessome time to get used to, but when you ride, its a better feeling and you can pedal harder. as for the decals, just rattle can over it, then clear cloat it. then [if you want] throw some silver or white velocity deep v's, shitll look balla

  3. i duno dude. its a 50cm, and i'm like 5'7-5'8. if i stand over the frame there's a lil space for my jewels, which i've been told is optimal. what advantage will raising the seat have?

    if you raise your seat, your legs extend more. you can feel a big difference when you ride. its alot more comfortable and easier to pedal faster. and i dunno whats goin on with your steerer tube. you got some MTB geometry goin on there

  4. yah james newman, mash sf crewww


    I'm finally biking without hands consistently (ie. clapping, crossed arms, hands overhead, flailing) while keeping balance. I can weave, slow down and speed up without my hands, too. I'm so fucking happy.

    I also discovered that I can skid 100x better with my heels digging into the pedals. I've been using the balls of my feet to push back, since I don't have clips (which I need to get asap.), and now that I'm using my heels, I skid for way longer and so much more easily.

    My gear ratio is 52x17 :/

    Now to attempt wheeliessss.

    52x17 with no straps or clips?

    f a i l

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