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Posts posted by horsetears

  1. royksopp, while not really "electro" is absolutely genius. melody am is probablly one of the best albums to come out in the past 5 years, with the understanding a close 2nd.

    the whole french electrodisco scene like dj mehdi and justice is as cool as it gets, but thats not synonymous with good music. its fun stuff to dance to blasted, but interms of a really progressive new sound, not so much.

    mylo isn't bad either

  2. hey all, so like im incredibly ignorant when it comes to denim so i need some help here. i know what i want but im just not sure about how to get it or what brands will supply me with it.

    this style of denim thats made by i think tsubi is the type of style i like and want, but i just dont know what other brands make them.


    if anyone could just point me to any brands that make these types of jeans and what if anything that specific style if called.


  3. First off...be polite. Just because Chandler Burr said something, doesn't mean everything else is "bullshit".

    Second, yes, Burr is a very funny and charming guy, who unfortunately right now is getting a bad reputation due to taking underhands (in the form of free perfume) for giving good reviews to certain companies (all allegations...nothing proven).

    Third, I agree that its a hard thing to prove if a certain sex is drawn more towards any certain scent...we're just making generalizations. Luca Turin once shot someone down for saying "perfume is all about sex"..saying "if you lost your sense of smell...would you give up sex?". Its all subjective...but generally speaking, many women buy floral perfumes because they like the smell of flowers, and the same goes for men with more "masculine" scents. My theory is that if you switch to what the other sex is wearing, as you're doing, maybe you'll get more attention from the other sex.

    I'd say my all time favourite scent is Mitsouko, which is women's...and I wear it all the time. ;)

    yes yes, it was early and i was grumpy, apologies for the rudeness bigsink

  4. unisex colognes usually get a huge reaction out of women.

    You cant really expect a girl to have the same taste as a guy.

    funny you say that, because its actually bullshit. had this new york times "perfume critic" come to my school and talk about asthetics, metaphors, (think about it this guy reviews smells for a living) and the purfume, and publishing business. (www.chandlerburr.com thats him) and he basically shot what you just said completely down.

    anyways, guys a fucking genius, a little neurotic, and a little metro, but we loved him - and basically he said sex marketing (sex as in the gender) has absolutely nothing to do with what the actual fragrence smells like. nothing at all. its used purely for marketing. how many times have you smelled a womans perfume and wished it was marketed for men so you could get it. if none of you have then that means im gay, but still, im sure you all have.

    if it smells good, i'll wear it - and one of the premier conneseuirs of fragrance only confirmed my suspisions and now i happily wear womans perfume all the time

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