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entropy kid

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Posts posted by entropy kid

  1.  ...as far as jeans that are gettable now in the US the Full Count 0105 seem to fit the bill...

    Not in the US, currently living in Malaysia. But for some strange reason we have new denim shops popping up all over the place here and they all carry Full Count, Momotaro and N&F.

    Might give the guys a go and look for a 0105 locally (if they have reasonable sizes, denimheads around here are rather smallish and so are the sizes that are carried).

  2. Got mine about 10 days ago (blue Cromexcel)...

    New shoes today.


    These things are so much more comfy then all the other boots i own (well, my GTs are okay now, too. After lots of wear...)

    I'm really grateful I bought these off the internet, I would never have bought them in a shop because they were killing my ankles from the second I put them on. They have softened up beautifully by now.

  3. Hmmm, just brought mine up from the basement yesterday. Do you all wear yours also in summer?

    Wish mine would look like that, but i mostly use them as sh..weather boots in winter so they always stay heavily oiled (i.e. verrry dark, almost like freshly dubbed).

  4. Took a walk around my hometown yesterday.

    Followed the signs


    to find the path on the ridge



    Climbed down through the rocks


    and over the "devil's bridge"


    to get to the place where princess Amalia supposedly jumped of a 100 ft cliff


    had a little break in the sun


    while looking at the castle


  5. I was only referring to the price. American/canadian goods are way more expensive over here. Plus prices seem exagerated since the USD is so weak compared to CHF right now. And sometimes you pay >40 USD in handling fees in addition to customs.

    Long story short: Custom fit and configuration really is the only reason for us to order directly, price doesn't really change.

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