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Posts posted by GayDream8==D~

  1. let us discuss more about setups

    i have some seeds saved up and they need some attention.

    only thing i know is 24 hour light for vegetative state, and 12 hour light 12 hour dark for flowering stage. I don't know much about the ph levels and other shit such as what to put in the soil etc.

    there is no impending decriminalization

    not now, not in the near future, and most likely not in the distant future either

    and anyone who buys their buds based on a name is a fucking fool to begin with, its all about smell and trich coverage

    agreed, the best way is to grow your own...i would discuss more about setups here but its not the right place

    or is it?

  2. oh noez my hemz are wet

    what abouts ropping,. nooooo my chainstichez, stackz and homeycomb

    gaydream you must be fucking dreaming....master kush in riverside is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS some bullshit ass OG hybrid with dense nugs

    trust me its not the real master kush

    thank you tokenindiankid



    I dont know for sure, but this "master kush" i have right now is bombb

    Let me describe it

    1 hit and im pretty baked, its also a creeper

    Hella dense with red hairs everywhere, crystals visible.

  3. Yeah im not really a fan of his older stuff except for a few songs,

    but i definately like his 7th you should check it out.


    no idea how to embedd vids

    here is the vid Liberation1945 was talking about.

    this is a joke right? i bout one of these by accident because the album art had like a dead baby or something in CGI and it was COMPLETE SHIT. i want my 3 dollars back.
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