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Posts posted by Hisma

  1. are 310s/3001 hard to fade as hell?

    Ive been putting some hardwear and not a single scratch. damn they're invincible....

    harder than folks make them out to be. Supposedly they fade quickly, but after 7 months and 2 washes I haven't gotten much sign of "hard" wear.

    The only good part is they hold their indigo very well after a wash, so it's easy to get good contrast fades over time

    @all3nb... I'm surprised how light your jeans look after only 1 wash. I've washed mine twice and mine look way darker. You must have either worn them very hard, or soaked them a good number of times

  2. Just got out of a 5 year military enlistment (navy) last month. I was an aviation electrician working on fighter jets. Now I'm about to start a new job w/ a family company here in Orlando, that I'm already dreading. I sent my application to a recruiter, and he found 4 jobs for me... 3 in NYC (which is where I want to be), 1 in DC, all of them field engineer positions.

    I'm also graduating with a degree in electrical engineering technology, which is helping me get my foot into the door w/ the field engineer jobs. Apparently I can be interviewing as early as next week. If all goes well I'll be a field engineer in NYC, traveling to various job sites fixing/maintaining electrical systems.

  3. I work out pretty regularly, cept I'm oddly proportioned since I don't work my legs. Not by choice though, since my knees are FUCKED. If I try to squat even the smallest weight, my knees are shot for at least a week or two.

    So big up top, but skinny legs for rockin dem skinny jeans. Guess it's somethin

  4. No offense but I've had mine for a little over 1 and a half months and mine have more wear than those... They look good.... but not for 4 months.

    well i do wear the shit out of them, but I'm not all that active so that may have something to do with it.

  5. Be sure to post some post-soak fits

    Word? How hard did you wear these?

    hard. Pretty much daily, evenings during the week and all day on the weekends. Most of the wear is from just walking or sitting down though

  6. F310's starting to show some wear @ about 4 months now

    had to wash them recently because they smelled & had food stains all over them

    soo... 4 months, 1 wash, 1 soak




  7. lolz already neg repped. & I'm equally indifferent about posting on fashion related forums. I love fashion, rarely care to talk about it. Only reason I regged here was to buy shit from the supermarket.

    I do like to help people though, which is why I've been so active on the HF dry denim forum.

    & don't make me rape u bouwnt, i know where u live bish

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