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Posts posted by AdamJaz

  1. picture10ae7.png

    They're coming along. I'll take some better pics sometime. I got them in August 08. I've worn them a lot, but not that much.

    Top two buttons popped off, but a nice email resulted in more buttons than I could ever pop being mailed.

    Crotch fits weird sometimes.

    Weird Guy BTW

  2. your big toe is so far apart from your second toe =////////////////

    Haha, I get that a lot, actually.

    wtf, nobody died. HE CHEATED DEATH. let him (and us) have our moment of fun. HE DEFEATED A PICKUP TRUCK.

    Yes, this is kinda where I'm standing. While I was extremelly shocked after what happened, I'm feeling a lot better (+percacet), and ready to make a little bit of fun of the situation.

    I came within inches of my own death, and this was the first thought during the accident. As I was upside down, flying through the air, I could not have been more terrified. I am incredibly lucky to even be alive. If any of the variables had been off by millimeters, I could have struck my head against anything, and snapped my neck in an instant. It is a humbling thought.

    Thanks to all the kind words and thoughts, and thanks also to those words of humor. It all helps.

    And to answer someone elses question, I have not filed a claim, but the guy's insurance called me and said they'd reimburse my property loss (i.e. bike, jeans, medical deductibles).

    If I do repair the jeans... any recommendations as to how?

  3. Haha... I'm getting more money for pain&suffering, medical deductibles, my bike, etc etc... but the guys insurnace is paying me for the jeans, which cost 200...

    And I value my life much more than my jeans... 3 days after being released from the hospital, I have time to think about these things, lol.

    Thanks for the kind words.

  4. So, I was riding my bicycle through a green light on Sunday night, leading a far from pace line group of fixies. I was cruising at aprox. 25 mph, when a pickup truck took a left turn right into me!

    I was thrown through the air, breaking his fender, denting his hood, screwing up his windshield. Flipped upside down, I flew through the air until I hit the road.

    I managed to walk on a broken leg to the curb (gotta love adrenaline)... where (after sitting for a while) I noticed my poor jeans had split in the crotch.

    All the witnesses called the paramedics, who arrived quite promptly. Then, they cut off my friggin jeans at the left knee! WTF!

    When I got to the ER, they cut the right leg!

    The ER doc wanted to cut them up the side to take them off, but having established I wasn't dying, I insisted they allow me to take them off.

    Now I have a pair of shorts, made from 4 month unwashed jeans.

    I need to repair them, with a budget of $200. Gotta love insurance.

    Any words of wisdom or advice?

    Pictures to come.


  5. Haha just kidding man..u dont want calfs like mine. I still fit into my imperial, one day if i cant fit into it I will quit riding.

    Last time I checked, you don't really use your calfs for riding... maybe running, but not bikes.

  6. I have to agree. I have a conversion, and I love it to death, but I recently rode the oft-recommended Kilo TT (Saw a dude from LAfixed at a ride who has one in my size) and I have to say it's night and day. And honestly, a decent new wheelset will run you at least $150-$200 bucks anyway, so you might as well go all the way and get a new bike with proper geometry and new, not creaky parts.

    I actually have a Kilo TT, haha... I just really like this bike. I don't really see that the geometry is sooo different...

    While the Fuji looks much bigger, the top tube is actually half an inch or so shorter.

    Anyone remember similar triangles?

    I think the geometry isn't so bad... the only major differences I notice:

    Increased front tire clearence when it's spun (the kilo doesn't even spin).

    The back wheel is pushed further out too.

    Am I just seeing things?


  7. So, I was thinking about converting my dad's early 1980s Fuji Del Ray to fixed.

    The bike is very light considering the old componentry and steel tubing.

    He used it for years, but stopped after he broke his shoulder in El Tour De Tucson several years ago.






    So, I've never done this before, but with the resources on the internet (sheldon brown, bikeforums.net), I don't think this should be too hard.

    Take off random bike lock thingy, and other random components.

    Powdercoat the frame.

    New cranks

    New Wheels w/ Hubs

    What do you guys think of this frame? Worth revamping?

  8. This is one of the more beautiful road bikes I've seen. I've been considering a LOOK buildup... but PedalForce RS is a hella better deal.

    Not enough roadie love in this thread.


    Season is ending :(

  9. I was a Congressional Page last year in Washington... and I took a few pictures, here are some I like.


    This is the Washington Memorial, looking straight up.


    WWII Memorial... yes I had a fun night with a camera on the Mall...


    FDR Memorial (Who knew such a thing existed?)


    Neighbors at the Page residence.


    Congressional Tunnel System.. part of the route from School to Work.


    This is one of my favorite pics ever, the dorm next to the power plant.


    Finally, this was a kid who got to go home at 4:30 PM when we got back from work at 3:48 AM...

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