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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Kevin? It's Marco, if you remember me.

    I haven't worked for H&M personally, but I do know a couple employees over in Vancouver and from what they tell me, it's a good job but you have to put back and organize a rediculous amount of clothes. A majority of the customers are wannabe hipster/hypebeast kids but after the H&M hype goes down (there will be since the store's new in WA), it's pretty much the on same level of Urban Outfitters, customer wise.

  2. The San Francisco Langster has the fucking ugliest handlebars I've ever seen. No fucking joke.

    If it's anything like my New York, they're cut down straight bars to about 16 inches

  3. Most of the discussion here is about fixed gears . . . but I'm thinking about getting a cruiser as a second bike. Does anybody know anything about these? I was looking an Electra Coaster 1, but have no idea. Lots of websites have the exact same set of bikes for less than $200. The Electra has Shimano components and an aluminum frame. I'm gonna drive to a LBS today or tomorrow and see what they have. I like these aluminum "Kroozie" cup holders you can get.:D


    These things are heavy as fuck, trust. We have a couple of those at Bicycles West (My work) and they're pretty much tanks. Coaster brake, medium tread tires, platform pedals, fatty ass seats, and handlebars that spread your chest out.

    Word if they float your boat though

  4. Problem:


    Problem solved:


    How They look on me:



    I'm a skinny dude, 5' 5", 120lbs. sz29 in Sugar Canes

    Weak honeycombs because my legs are so skinny, good whiskers though.




    The saying goes, "you get what you pay for" and in my honest opinion, you get a little more than what you pay for, but unless you're built a little thicker than I am, they won't work out as efficiently

  5. Kitsune do you have any pictures? I would like to see your progress and fading vs. what I have going on. I didn't soak mine so I would like to see if that made a difference at all.

    As soon as I get my camera. My current one is both MIA and too shitty to provide justice. Shouldn't be long, two weeks for decent pictures at the latest.

    If I find my camera, I'll share all 3.2 megapixels of quality!

    edit: Also, I just remembered that another complaint I had was that I can't put both of my hands in my pockets.

  6. I've had mine for about two months now and from what I've experienced, they're 14oz of good denim at a cheap price.

    The fit isn't so bad, it's looser than I usually like, but thats fine because it allows me to wear my bulkier sneakers like Supras and not look awkward. They have a pretty high yoke too, which is different for this cut, but it's not a bad thing. You need somewhat of a medium length shirt to have a fit look, not too baggy and not too tight.

    They did stretch out a lot after the initial soak and I've gone from not wearing a belt at all to needing to wear one.

    It's all button fly by the top button is gone and in it's place is a hook system, similar to a woman's bra or on slacks. This has become a problem because it unfastens itself every now and then, leaving me in an awkward situation having to fix them.

    And these jeans will bleed, I left a piece of paper in my back pocket for the day and when I took it out, it was completely blue.

    Overall, quality and price outweigh the bad points.

  7. what's everyone's preference on handlebars?

    I have the stock straight bars on my Langster New York and I don't like them. I'm in a fix between bullhorns and drop bars

  8. haha, for some reason I got the bike in and i wasn't too thrilled with the decals. the bike rides amazing though; I used to have a bianchi pista and I much prefer the langster.

    Yeah the seat is pretty much dyed indigo.

    Many do prefer it. I presonally like the Chicago, but my supplier doesn't have those OR the New York. The Boston should ride rine though

  9. i didnt even know there was a bicycling thread here. Here's mine:


    finally found a place for all my supreme stickers, fuck the haters

    i have since replaced the bars with risers and removed the rear brakes though

    London cried when it saw this.

    haha jk. IMO, you should've left the flag uncovered. Don't you find the white seat to get dirty? I turned the seat on my Langster blue in 10 minutes

  10. i got ran over.

    like psycally ran over.

    i was weaving cars and a lady stoped for some reason and i wiped out nothing bad i could have just got up but then when i was down they started moving forward, and right over my foot. i started hitting the car telling them to back up, i put a dent in their door.

    got up and sat on the curb with my bike, there was nothing wrong with it and my foot wasnt broken but still fucking hurt. they this some other lady gets out her car and starts yelling, "i saw it happen it was all his fault, ill testify it was that punk cyclist" she was driving a prius, im sitting on the curb in pain and this bitch is yelling at me i just looked at her and told her to shut the fuck up then looking all suprized she said "do you want me to report you" and i looked at her and said "do you want me break your windshield?" she picked up her fone and started dialing and i picked up a fat rock and threw it at her and she got in her prius and drove away.

    after i got up i noticed that a cop had been watching the whole thing and just didnt care and drove off.

    my foot fucking hurts

    anything wrong with your foot though? I'd assume there'd be bruising somewhat at least

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