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Posts posted by PHAT HEAD CAMEL TOEZ

  1. So you're saying as a stylist he doesn't have great personal style?


    Okay Mr Big Shot, it appears you find it so easy to sit high up on that pedestal of yours and cast judgement, why not show us all how it's done?


    EDIT: You're a typical armchair critic, sitting from afar and judging others. Just like those football supporters who criticise their team's manager for making "bad choices" during a game, when in reality they don't have a clue as they're not out there training with the team day in day out etc.

  2. Deux_Oiseaux, why don't you contribute more than your opinions (yeah we get it you hate Visvim) and your stock photos of your last purchases and actually post some wywts to show us how it's done. 


    All I see is blah blah blah from you and little substance. So what if he grew out from Supreme+Dior+Vans, at least he's moved on from it, just like you're trying to move on by selling all your Undercover and Junya. Oh and Seenmy was starting to make waves in the fashion industry when you were growing your first pubic hair.

  3. deux_oiseaux = okonomi mk2

    Gotta agree with the shitty vibe. Though for me it's more of a "I'm holier than thou" vibe. Plus the kid is fucking everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Can't go into a thread without bumping into one of his posts.

  4. Jesus, I thought we were all doing so well... then all these stock images come flooding in.


    I know I sound like a broken record, but I don't know what's worse, people who post up stock images as their last purchases, or those who give rep to them (thus encouraging this deviant behaviour).


    People, please think of the children...

  5. Yeah can someone Craig David us for those who don't know?


    Why has (some of?) the Superfuture community welcomed this guy back with open arms after he screwed over a few (maybe more?) people through Superswap.


    Oh and Craig David:


  6. the past 2 pages


    Imma agree wit you. However, I would like to point out using long extended sentences and a thesaurus to incorporate longer than necessary words, does not make you appear any more intelligent. 


    Additionally, it is nothing to do with being unable to read for longer than two sentences or suffering from ADHD. Plain English and being straight to the point is all that is required, even within an academic context.

  7. Yo wut. I'd never get with a friend's ex, even if I had feelings for her before and after she'd been screwed by my friend. Nor would I be cool with a friend getting with one of mine.


    You're telling me, when you do give your blessing, 6 months, 12 months, or however long down the line, when he finally gets with her, that he's still going to be your best friend? and you think he's going to see you in the same light once she's (snake with tits) polluted his mind?


    There are thousands even millions of other chicks out in the wild, no reason at all to go sloppy seconds with your best friend's ex girlfriend. This isn't the set of Friends, so no need for inbreeding.


    ALSO him telling you he still has feelings for her after the break up and won't do anything without your blessing is a super douche move. I think you need to reconsider his "best friend" status.

  8. Wait, you sit at home on the sofa watching TV wearing trainers and jeans? If I'm in lounge mode for watching the TV for a long period of time I'm in sweat pants and a t-shirt, I want to be all loosey goosey for that ultimate comfort.


    Unless you're watching it with a lady then fair enough, try and look your best. Or you're about to head out to someone else's to watch The Wire...?

  9. Without sounding a racist, I find the majority of PRCs I encounter financially rich, but socially poor.


    I remember being in a queue at 7/11, there was some old store clerk at the counter serving two PRCs. They must have been there for about five minutes arguing with the clerk over what packet of cigarettes they wanted, where they kept pointing and saying "no that one". One of the PRCs eventually shouted "I want the red carton in the corner", so the clerk grabbed this for him. The PRC than asked the clerk "is the carton red?", at this point the clerk just lost his patience and literally shoved the packet in his face. Eventually the two paid for and walked out. As I was leaving the store myself I witnessed the two outside unwrapping the cigarette carton and just discarding the plastic wrapper on the floor, despite standing right next to a trash bin.




    Another time I was queuing for a bus somewhere in Europe, it was somewhat orderly, single file etc. However, next to the queue were a standing group of around a dozen PRCs. Whom were getting a lot of funny looks from the people within the queue, wondering whether they were going to join the queue or just wait for the queue to disappear and board last.


    Bus pulls up, all of a sudden the group of PRCs "peewee rush" the bus. Bus driver doesn't bother to say anything, neither do the people in the queue, most of whom were elderly. I was the only one who spoke up and called them out, but it pretty much fell on deaf ears as they squeezed themselves onto the bus. I was so frustrated I actually physically stopped the last guy of the group boarding, saying he jumped the queue. What annoyed me most though was that the PRCs who got on first took up a lot of the vacant seats, refused to give them up for some of the elderly people who were left standing for the 45 minute bus journey.


    I don't think I could live in a society where people are just consistently rude, socially unaware and have little respect for others. Then again my other half always goes on about how I was brought up with too many manners and how it's a cultural thing...

  10. All this talk of open relationships and staying with a cheater?


    What the fuck?


    Grow some balls/pussy and ditch that ho/bro. Fo'sure.


    Once a cheater, always a cheater. Couldn't imagine ever getting with one who cheated on someone else, let alone staying with one who had cheated on me. Plus to those bros/hos, being the cunt to help perpetrate that cheat is the lowest of the low. Probably as low as boiling dogs and cats for food.

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