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Posts posted by rajko

  1. Before the current setup, home field advantage wasn't decided on the field. It alternated between the NL and the AL.

    I always felt the team with with the best record earned home field advantage but MLB has never done it that way.

  2. Definitely a stunning day as a Flyers fan. Probably the biggest day since they got Lindros.

    Like xerrox, Carter to Columbus wasn't shocking but Mike Richards to LA?!? Never saw that coming.

    I wonder if the whispers of issues in the room and off the ice led to Richards getting dealt though Brayden Schenn and Wayne Simmonds is very good return. Really excited to see Schenn in orange and black.

    2 blockbusters and Bryzgalov on the same day. Snider, Holmgren, etc got balls that's for sure.

  3. I've been in the same boat regarding Richards as captain. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because of his rep as a leader in juniors but it's been a long process.

    This season, I've felt Pronger was the captain even without the "C" on his sweater but I can see now it's Richie's team.

    And Pronger? Dude has been awesome. So good to see him in orange & black logging 30+ mins. a night. The top 4 for that matter really have been good.

    Hope they can steal one in chicago. '97 was over before it started.

  4. Flyers!

    Man, what an unlikely, wild ride. Great effort tonight led by Richards who was a beast.

    That said, they REALLY got their work cut out with chicago. Gonna be tough.

  5. Round 1

    east - Caps, devils, Sabres, pens

    The Flyers could post the only upset here. They played the debbies tough in regular season. Though with Boucher in net, I doubt it happens.

    west - sharks, Hawks, Kings, Red Wings

    sharks over pens in a matchup of 2 of my least favorite teams.

    Really hope it doesn't happen.

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