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Posts posted by chmercer

  1. holy fuck let the right one in was so good. watch that shit asap if you haven't. dvd leaked like a week after it came out in theatres haha

    yeah man. seriously in love with that movie right now. deserving of a seperate thread

  2. i dont think anyone is claiming that it makes you smarter or anything, just helps you to "zone in" on whatever you are doing. hell it could probably just be a placebo from thinking "this will make me finish my term paper/project/whatever" but i still get reasonable results from it.

  3. you act like meatpounding is bad for you or something. dont get it. what you feel bad for? feel like a loser for not smashing for real? feel bad for the hoes in the movies?

    Sexual benefits

    Some of the known sexual health benefits of masturbation include:

    Solo masturbation is a safe sex practice that carries no risk of sexually transmitted infection and unwanted pregnancy. As part of lovemaking between two people, it is known as ‘mutual masturbation’.

    Sexual tension is released. Masturbation allows a person to express their sexuality by themselves and is valuable if, for example, they don’t have a partner or if sex with their partner isn’t available, or if they want to (or have to) abstain from sex for any reason.

    Being familiar with your own sexual responses allows you to better communicate your wants and needs to your partner.

    Masturbation is a popular treatment for sexual dysfunction; for example, women who don’t orgasm can learn by masturbating. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation can use masturbation to practice control.

    Health benefits

    Some of the known health benefits of masturbation include:

    Eases some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

    Relief from menstrual cramps

    Muscle relaxation

    Helps you to fall asleep

    Promotes release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing

    Reduces stress

    Enhances self-esteem.

    shits like vitamins man

    4 times a day keeps the doctor away am i right

  4. yeah my hair was teeniebopper status when i joined sufu. lol. whatever.

    i am feeling that kids hair in the hedi link something bad though, havent got a cut in a month or 2, thinking of getting everything but the top razored in real close. really liking a lot of thoes styles in the pics. thoughts?



    ps. also, asymetrical gauge? shit doesnt look bad at all.

  5. serenas duds were bangin. didnt fit with storyline but im not complainin. Js hotness went up 40% when the eye makeup came off. woah.

    this ep wasnt great but it was way better than the week before this. shit was frustratingly wack.

    i hope aaron is in the car crash along with Bass.

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