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Synthetic <3

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Posts posted by Synthetic <3

  1. ^ so aZn

    Nope, white boy: DanBrockettDrift.com


    I love my Parrott Canvas backpack. I use it for school and it's large enough for me to throw a small camera bag (one body, three lenses, and accessories) in and still have room for a jacket and a water bottle, and the front pocket is free for phones, wallet, keys, etc. Big thanks to The Woodlands!

    PS: WTF is with the first letters of the sentences not being capitalized?

  2. I'm a Lifeguard at a state beach in Lake Tahoe during the summer and an unemployed college student living off a government check the rest of the year.

  3. First time WAYJDT poster, long time reader.

    Since I'm on winter break from school right now my days are pretty open. Today I packed a day bag, put on my denim and boots, then headed North.

    Before taking off I made the standard breakfast. Fried egg, toast, and lots of coffee.


    I didn't have a plan aside from getting some reading done. I thought about continuing to pound coffee at a cafe but that's not much of an adventure now is it? I left the city on foot and started hiking.

    Water storage I passed on my way up.


    No boot prints, just these.


    That is aside from my boot prints.


    Once at the top I found a nice rock pile that broke up the breeze and provided a seat with a view so I set up shop for a few hours.



    I brought Kerouac's Desolation Angels with me. It seemed fitting until I started a new section that was all about desolation in San Fran. Here he talks about running in to Ginsberg.


    He then spoke about how he felt alone even though he was among friends, then how he preferred to be alone while romanticizing his days in the mountains. It seemed even more fitting than before. However I, in what I thought was my desolation, looked down between the rock I was sitting on and the one I was resting my feet on only to find this.


    It could have been left behind or someone who's living up there could be collecting water. Either way I left it alone. The sun was beginning to descend so I packed up and headed back down in to the city.



    All in all it was a good day.

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