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Posts posted by NJdunkLover

  1. Has anyone had much luck fading the black NS? I love the way they look, and have come so close to purchasing them numerous times, but I'd like to see how they look after a few months or a year. Black always gives me trouble, which is a bummer since I love black raws. I just can't ever seem to make much progress with them.

  2. I sized down on my Rescues and they're a slim straight leg. I'll get pics for you sometime soon. They're at 5 months, I'm thinking of washing them soon, I just had another minor blowout last week.

  3. Does anyone have pictures of worn in black NS? I think I'm going to grab a pair next time I'm in the city, but I want to see if anyone has put some nice wear into them.

  4. amateurs...

    Haha, if that hahappened to mine I would have bbeen bummed at least nobody noticed when mine ripped, I was out in public for 2 hours with nothing else to change into. The rip you got in front under the fly ripped on mine a few weeks back, too, but I was able to sew that back up no problem.

    Was yours fixable?

  5. yea i thought all selvages from APCs are redline too. the question is, does the Cure model comes in selvage in the first place? from what i know, only the NS has selvage

    $105 for fake APCs seems pretty steep as well

    No, Hipsters, Rescues, Standards and New Standards are all selvage. The New Cure has the edge cut off because they're so taipred, but I don't know about the Cures, I've never even unfolded a pair at the store, haha.

  6. I just got my first real tear in my Rescues. The crotch seam ripped a little while ago, but the denim didn't rip, just the thread, which I fixed myself. I'm taking them to a tailor tomorrow afternoon, hopefully it's fixable.




    I've had these since 8/26, and I've only missed about 4 days of wear with these. I skate in them daily and I feel they're coming along OK. I'll post pictures after I get them fixed up.

  7. does anyone know if APC will continue making the NS in raw black? or is it only for this season? i really want a pair, but i am in no position to buy another pair of jeans yet. paying for school and bills have to take priority, unfortunatly, haha.

  8. I went to APC today and picked up the black ns raws...1st thing, they aren't selvage of any sort...2nd, they feel similar to the indigos...nice ashy black hue...seem like they'll stretch just like the indigos. I will post pics once I get the battery charged.

    i want to see those. i didnt know black NS were available now, i havent seen them anywhere.

  9. i picked up some Rescues last week and wore them for a few days. i love the fit and bought them tight enough so that i can just button them all the way up. i opted for the Rescues over the NS because the NS was not very flattering on me.

    but heres my problem: i am having troble spreading my legs. im afraid if i go up some steps too quickly that i might blow the crotch out. will they loosten up soon? because im having serious trouble skating in them, not being able to extend my leg all the way and stuff.

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