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Posts posted by Waffle

  1. I work part time at a pharmacy while studying, and damn it sucks. Hopefully I'll get a better job when my master thesis is finished, at Celgene or something.

  2. Go to a doctor and get it sucked out. I had one of those earlier this summer, and nothing from the pharmacy worked, tried stuff from both OTC and prescription. So I went to a clinic and they flushed my ear with a high pressure water hose. Didn't work out, so a week later they used some kind of special vacuum cleaner and it was gone in a flash. Wish I had done so in the first place instead of spending $200 on medicines and ear flushing.

  3. Chin up mate, it won't be the last one that you fuck up, and you'll probably have done a lot better than you think you have. Good luck and I hope that you get it.

    thanks for the kind words, but i think i fucked up. oh well, they're supposed to call me about it tomorrow

  4. writing an application letter for a summer research programme at my university, it's barely going to pay my rent (you'll get $1.4k for 2 months of work) but hopefully it's fun. hopefully i'll get accepted to the department where i want to write my masters thesis/conduct my phd at (biopharmaceutics and pharmacogenomics). if i'm lucky i'm able to work at a real job at the same time (the medical products agency hopefully), but that's not going to happen

  5. 2) my grandmas alzheimer is so far progressed that she's not able to eat, drink or speak. i visited her yesterday and it was pretty damn heart breaking. ffuu

    update, grandma passed away a few hours ago. :(

  6. i recently realised how owning stuff sucks, because you don't actually need much at all.

    i'm moving out to sweden tomorrow by plane and can only take 46kg of stuff with me. after bringing back a shitload of stuff to my dads garage, i gave out stuff, sold others, and threw a lot of things in the bin. i'm so better off that way. i'm just gonna miss some books and my stereo...

    welcome to the cold and rainy part of europe. gothenburg has been flooded two times in a few weeks. :)

    i was amused last night, there is a place in stockholm who serves the supposely "hottest hot dog in the world" (or so they claim) and if you manage to eat one in under five minutes you get a t-shirt -> alot of bros goes there when they're drunk and tries to show off. anyway, i passed there on my way home at 3 am or something, and two guys who are on furlough from the army who are really noisy and cocky are about to eat a hot dog each with like 50 people watching. after like 1 minute both of them started crying, threw up and left. nice

  7. Thanks for the supportive rep/posts guys. They found out about the tumor pretty quickly, his PSA-levels were just slightly eleveted but they decided to do a biopsy anyway which I am pretty thankful for right now. He's having a consultation with a urologist and oncologist next week to decide what kind of treatment he's getting, but hopefully he decides to get a prostatectomy instead of chemo. So the surgery should be scheduled for early september if we're lucky.

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