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Posts posted by whitney

  1. delusional apes spreading manure.

    not everything is about you.

    I don't like you but I'm not intimidated enough that I need to avoid you in social settings because if that was the case I would have told them I ain't going if you're going, so get over yourself

    Your brother may be the one that's getting a check for mental disability (while yours is for something else) but he's the normal one between the two of you, bipolar you. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The way you put your brother down though...

    Please don't let my name pass through your lips anymore. its been months already and u still talking about it.

  2. Thanks guys! I'll look into tatuderm or saniderm...been doing the usual after-care and it looks like the upper skin is starting to shed. The one spot I was more concerned with (that bubbled) is a bit raw pink under :/ (poss burn?) but I only use warm water and it's only that one section that is glossy pink (versus matted for rest of tatt).


    Darkanimal, didn't know you do tattoos 🙃; online portfolio?

  3. Is everyone's healing process as ugly as mine? Just got one under my inner arm and it swelled like a B, and then it got a bit bubble like and now it's just deflated and looks like I can peel but surprisingly this is still better then yesterday when it was oozing :/ my first one wasn't like this so I'm a bit scared

    They're only 4-5 inch pieces, I can't imagine how you guys do for the bigger ones.


    *I stayed at a Trump residence in Chicago earlier this year, and my god, that man might be crazy but he can run a hotel like nobody's business.

    You realize that this is the same man whose been through multiple bankruptcies...

    I don't think history has ever had a politician who was first a businessman. Usually it's the politicians contriving with businessmen; but it's always been separate like church and state.

    I can't say anything really because I believe in hearing what one says before passing judgement but every time I hear him speak or attempt to, after five minutes I'm ready to gag myself.

    What I do hear, the snippets I obviously can't ignore: paints him as someone who goes too far in promising what we all know ain't gonna be delivered. He's extreme like this I suppose.

    My fear is how much further we are going to drop in the eyes of the world if he's actually elected. Not for a vanity so much as vote of confidence in America/n(s)

  5. So there's this security guard that is old enough to be my dad quite possibly grandda (blacks age well) and he's nice. He noticed the slightly little different things with my clothes or shoes which is fine. Didn't really make any remarks out of line. He starts to make a "hug" pose everytime I see him so I kinda don't wanna leave him hanging and go no thanks.

    I was on my way out after a coworker and the coworker in front, he gives a high five so I figure I would do the same. So when he finishes high fiving, and sees me, I started to raise my hand to high five and he opens his arms to give me a hug.

    So I had to put my arm down and give a hug.

    He said bye gorgeous.

    If he did this with every other female I would feel somewhat better.

    As of now I kind of just want to avoid him because everytime I see him he wants a hug and wants to chat and I don't really know what to chat with him about. So each interaction is a little awkward because I don't know how to exit gracefully.

  6. Plenty of Chinese people get girls you just gotta be semi gangsta/hood/masculine/bro n not be a dork there are girls into dorks just not many of em are. This applies to Asian ppl aswell

    I like dorks, as long as they're cute ones.

    Actually I seem to have a thing for people who are confident but in a humbling way. There's something super attractive about someone whose so sure of themselves, but at the same time isn't about putting themselves above you, while excluding a quiet elegance at times. And smile, awesome smile and can laugh at themselves.

    I care about Heidegger, fuck you! Some of my finest moments are explaining Heidegger completely drunk to randoms. Probably not some of their finest moments though...

    If you can't talk about some #deepartshit to get the convo going you'll have to avoid fashionable coke parties forever cause you'll be talking about yourself and the next few days will be spent cringing about the stupid shit you said. If you made the link between Turin's horse and Deleuze's movement-image you'll be A+ok and still have got some #fuumaizthefunsmart.

    Deep shit, deep art shit, the world we live in today, philosophy...pretty much is ace.

    The point is not to be boring. Be able to teach her something. Be able to connect on a deeper level. Even if it's a passing bang. Rarely does one get with someone initially and thinks, "this is forever".

  7. i am working with someone who is hooked on heroin

    no one else knows and it is affecting a lot of people (and their paychecks)

    trying to decide whether it is up to me to intervene or just let him throw his life away

    he's a very pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps type and his pride comes into play here

    but i was working this same job when i got a call about a close friend who OD-ed and died

    i know how this ends - i mean, i do have friends who have made it to the other side (one severely incapacitated, but some no worse for wear) - but still... 


    my boss would be understanding but if i told him, i'm sure my co-worker would feel betrayed by me

    i have two conflicting values here, loyalty and this save-the-world impulse i have

    very much do not know what to do here

    Any updates?

    I feel like if he confided in you, it may be an indirect cry for help.

    If he didn't, and you caught him, he's bound to get caught sooner or later.

    Sometimes the best person to talk to someone with a situation, is someone else whose been there. Esp if it's a grimey one.


    I'm addicted to sriracha and reddi, former on savory, latter on sweets.

  8. I go to school in NY and barely use my car. I hate driving for the same reason. I've never had issues, but i get stressed and anxious driving. I don't consider myself a bad driver, but people are crazy.

    I feel like that's the best way to get introduced, because once you master that, everything else is easy breezy

    I would drive but I drive like I walk. I walk considerably faster then the rest of the population.

  9. so i was finally able to get a hole of him. booked in an appointment and everything and sent in reference pictures. i went away and came back the day before the appointment and saw that he didn't respond to my email with the reference pictures. so sent another email to check if the appointment was still going ahead and he responds later that night around 11pm saying he can't do it anymore =/ 


    what a disappointing interaction with an artist i wanted to get tattooed with. 


    and i couldn't just call/rock up at the shop as he was just guesting at my state.

    Would you mind sharing the artist?

    I'm curious because you booked the appointment, was that with the reference pics or did it come after or before the appointment?

    I'm new to this game but generally I would think of what I want done and then try to find the artist who would best bring it to life. With my first appointment I had my heart set on this design and found the girl at bang bang who could do it because it's similar to past work of hers. The manager understood this and when that girl was out and I was on a time constraint (coming from west coast) he recommended another artist whose work is similar too and it worked out perfectly.

    Some folks want a piece done just because it's that artist, which is cool..but if they're not going to let the artist help develop the piece or altogether do it, sometimes the artist would have to turn it down because maybe it's something they can't do justice for? (The tattoo).

    Or maybe he's just too busy and didn't have the courtesy to tell you beforehand he overbooked.

    Either way, I wouldn't want an artist that's not passionate about my piece to do it. So maybe it's for the best.

  10. Would it be offensive to record the conversations and then just send the contract back to them with the recording?

    I don't go off making recordings of every convo. Too much effort and space wasted imho but generally I jot down what was said word for word (comes with the memory) and the time + date. I also make sure to repeat what was said while on the phone with them.

    But if they keep playing that cat and mouse game, I would just record and send.

    Sorry you're going through that shiet. :/

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