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Posts posted by Tokki

  1. Hmm, I want to get airy t-shirts and nice shirts like people said. But where is a nice place to get nice shirts? Like some cool graphic T's or just any cool airy t-shirts. I'm only a highschooler too as well, but all I buy t-shirts from are the stupid Abercrombie, hollister, and AE stuff. I want to change from that.

  2. Hmmm, I went to this shop and it still sold the wax stuff . . Anyways, I have a question. Does anybody use styling bases or anything? I think I just bought one from Shiseido . . Its like HG Super Hard Styling Base or something like that . . . Its in a bottle and its spray. How do I use it or anything? (Never used this before obviously)

  3. Around how much water should you drink a day? Sometimes I worry that I drink a bit too much water. Ummm, I have some acne on my face but I can't really find a good facewash that can clean it. I started using Neutrogena Blackhead facewash and it made it a bit better. Anybody have suggestions?

  4. Wow man, that's a pretty nice design. I'd buy one @_@ . . but yeah, the hood o_o But as long as you keep it a darker colour, it'll look great. I really like the pockets though. Maybe if you add some graphics on there? But it already looks great as it is. Hmmm ~ Well I thought if you knew how to add some graphics to the side or anything, it'd look like. Maybe..strings on the hoodie to adjust it? In case you want to take that point off of it.

  5. Yeah buddy, where I live its either you go scene, preppy (hollister, AE, or abercrombie), or skater (girl jeans lol). Umm, I'm going the same as you so far, I just wear the preppy stuff. (Still haven't bought anything from Lacoste or Ralph Lauren yet . . . But I heard Burberry has some nice polos) For girls its much easier b/c they have a wider variety of shops to go to. For guys, I'd just wear whatever you feel comfortable in. But if you really want a "style" look on the internet? I never go on the internet b/c I'd rather try on the things b4 I buy it....Since I'm not all that rich. But for me, I just go clean cut look, dress to impress?

    EDIT: Oh yeah, I've always wanted to try some foreign clothing (from japan or korea).

  6. Hahaha...I got round eyes @_@ But yeah, I'm asian too. Go asians w/ big eyes. Yeah, that's what I tend to do. Except I leave my back short..almost as short as my sides, i leave sideburns boxy,but they grow out nicely. If i leave my back long I have a mullet. But yeah, I'll ask the stylist anyways. I'll check out that site sometime.

  7. Ohhh, sounds cool Pogi. But my hair is mostly always around that length. I've never left my back long. Maybe I'll try it later. Yeah, sometimes I just want long hair (around your length?) But then again, I'm going to ask my stylist next haircut what would fit my facial structure. I'm kinda chubby, circular face? Well, thanks Pogi :]

  8. ^

    This is true. Get your hair thinned out and you'll see how much better the wax works with your hair.

    What do you use to get your hair thinned out? Do they use the razor blade thing? Or should I just ask the hair cutter to thin out my hair.

    This is my hair right now

    Left view (from my left)


    Right view (from my right)


  9. Hmm, right now I'm using Gatsby styling wax. I've had it for like a year now haha. Umm, what kind of haircuts can you get for a nice style w/ the wax. Just currently I had my hair cut w/ a razorblade. But I don't really like the way it looks when I use wax w/ it. I'll post a pic later of what I do w/ my hair. Btw, what kind of cuts (way to cut it?) are best to get a fauxhawk and what should I use to achieve a fauxhawk.

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