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Posts posted by robsawyer

  1. I have been wearing these Hipsters on and off for about three or four years now. (BTW - when I bought these, the hipsters were unisex and lower rise versions of the rescues I believe).

    I used to wear them all the time, but I haven't gotten them out in quite a while. They have had about four washes and an initial sea-wash. They are due for a wash right now. (dirty from skating and what-not).




  2. So...

    I just tried some of the green tea I bought from the groccery store...

    [guy from Hitch] Its disgusting.[end]


    I was thinking of boiling up all the packs, and letting my Iron Hearts chill in there...

    So its either...

    A) Do the green tea soak BEFORE sea wash.

    B) Do the green tea soak AFTER the sea wash.

    C) Skip the green tea soak and just wait for the sea wash.

    I kinda dont feel like jumping into the ocean two seperate times with jeans on (Dior + I.H.) so Id be leaning towards green tea soak.


    Help me decided...

    I did a sea soak in one of my APC's, and got some very nice results- I say you do grean tea soak after the sea wash.

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