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Posts posted by lamie

  1. hi there Brian. sling&stones has a list of online stockists here: http://www.slingandstones.com/stockists.html

    at the moment, it looks like only revolve is carrying rebecca, with a wash. not sure if/when the other sites will be restocking s&s but this is from the Self Edge updates thread:

    hiya kiya, just wondering when will you be restocking the sling and stones?

    The next run will be coming in late September...

    The new run will be a new indigo japanese stretch denim, with slightly altered fits, and straight yokes.. It's gonna be really good, three fits.. straight, slim, and bootcut.

    good luck!

  2. evilcrayon -those look GREAT

    machine wash/dried my s+s rachel today. here are pictures:

    denim together with my sister, rachel left, samurai geisha right


    rachel, light-medium wear since january




  3. i didn't wear them everyday so i guess they aren't that spectacular, but that may just be me comparing them to my previous pair(apc nc, they came out pretty sweet). anyway ill get pix up soon as i can

  4. kino- the rise on petit standard still too high for you? i think i want them to be my next pair

    for beginners:

    apc makes great unisex jeans for the price but the fit is a little less forgiving, i would recommend trying them on first if you can..

    and ive said this before but id recommend nudie super slim kim as a first pair, just cause most girls i know who have tried them on are fairly pleased with the fit. BUT the denim is shit and once you get a taste for raw youll want better quality, i think.

    also also also-ive never tried on cheap mondays, h&m raw, or any other cheap raw jeans so i can't speak for them but i know people(girls) vouch for CM. i kinda want their grey jeans too

    as for sling and stones evo pix, ive been wearing my rachels since january and thanks to my cat i will have to wash them........;) pix when my sis gets back in town this friday

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