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Posts posted by Carelli

  1. For the record the APC site does NOT suck. That is where I ordered my blacks and they provided great business experience.

    I think i'm gona soak my indgo's they are starting to smell real bad. If they are pre-mature and turn out like shit o well i'll just buy new cures :rolleyes:

  2. no, but the retarded baby-speak he invented is fucking ANNOYING. I can handle one dude doing it, but 10 other people jumped on his dick and started doing it too and that is the fucking worst. it makes me want to cut myself

    qutoted for realness

    i gain a headache from reading his way of text

    i vote yes - he has damaged and dumb-me-down, therefore i am more stupid than i ever was - very defective

  3. i'm going to have to disagree with you, Carelli. i had the hightop patent CP's and they felt more comfortable than the mids. yes, they are high, but that's kinda the point, isnt it? maybe your friend just isnt used to it. i would've kept them if i didnt need the money for other things.



  4. anyone with some additional feedback / fit pics on these?

    im definately leaning towards copping, just need some reassurance

    i have a friend who has these and he says they are really uncomfortable

    i have a feeling you won't be happy with these, they are too high and patent leather = disaster

    go with the mid tops if anything

  5. ^ Did you size down Carelli?

    sized down 3. reg waist = 30

    apc = 27

    whoever is thinking about buying these fuckin do it they are worth it and gona look unbelievable when faded. 149 dollars cant beat it

  6. fuck my life!!!

    btw, i havent seen much discussion about the black NS.......you guys are fuckin sleeping!! they are pretty slick

    I agree. There is 150 pages discussing the indigo NS but not nearly as much info/experience/pictures etc about the Black raw NS.

    Sorry about your apc's being too big in raw black, i just went with my size in raw indigos for the raw blacks so i would be safe (sz 27) and not have to go through what you are now going through. I beleive the raw black NS are just as good as the raw indigo. Having owning black dior raws the apc black raw look almost identical in terms of appearance and the color of the denim. I just wish they didn't stretch so much - only con with apc NS...

  7. Finally I got a NS black denim size 28.

    The fit is perfect but the selvage is not really deep. I mean it's kind of a grey selvage, not black. Dior black denim are way too deep.

    I'll probably post pics tomorrow.

    post pics wearing them. i have a feeling black NS look like crap when worn.

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