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Posts posted by JimJones86

  1. My biggest question: W

    ould you approach peers about many of the things you post about on SuFu? For example, would you ask a friend what to wear with what, how you look in these jeans, or critique fashions?

    Would you look for fashion advice from friends? Members of the same sex?

    Do you think that people on here are more inclined to use this site to get advice versus doing it in person? Why?

  2. Ok so i was wondering if anyone will answer some of these questions for me. I need to do a paper on an online community and sufu was the place i picked, for this project i created a separate avatar from my other one and explored interactions online. Feel free to answer as little or a much as you feel. Your information will not used, you will simply be referred to as AnonymousUserA, AnonymousUserB, etc. I was wondering:

    1. What are some of your early memories of sufu? Were people generally nice, or did they give you a tough time for being a noob?

    2. Do you feel like your avatar/username is an extension of your offline personality? If yes, how so? If no, why not?

    3. When you got your first rep points what was it for? Did you have to ask? Was it from someone you knew? What do you think people consider most when they give positive rep? In other words what drives you to give rep?

    4. In terms of gender, how many users (in percent) would you approximate to be male or female? Do you think sufu attracts more heterosexual or homosexuals?

    5. What interests you the most about sufu? What keeps you coming back?

    6. How many people have you met from sufu and actually interacted with offline?

    Thats all for now. Thanks Again!!!!

  3. how much were the 42s? Were they the patent leather ones or just regular? Last time i checked....right now....coolestshop.com has 4 different styles of DID loafers on sale for $39!!! They used to have the highs but im not seeing them on the site so maybe they sold out or dont carry them anymore. Hope that helps.

  4. bought the oversized for my sister in january. i would say the small is like a 50 cent piece and the oversized is like a sand dollar, like 3 -4 inches wide. She wears hers on the chain it came from and it hangs pretty low. Looks sick too.

  5. when i get real fucked up clothing gets lost. still cant find my stussy hat from when i shroomed last year. Ima be at hyde lounge for my boys birthday and plan on smoking till my eyes bleed.

  6. fuckin love those chukkas and the sk8 hi is ill too, will cop both, i wanna get more half cabs but i allways skate in them so ill pass and get some regular black suede. Anyone know if the suede on the half cabs is thicker than usual, they look buttery.

  7. GOOD FUCKING POLL, im really torn up on this one though, like daewon is the tech master, every manny combo and he takes it to the mini ramp too, but the same can be said for haslam - one foot front board shove it out, front board bigspin flips, but he also will tear up a mini (CHEESE AND CRACKERS anyone?). Round 2: Rodney Mullen vs Daewon Song is off the chain too, one of my all time favs. My only issue with rodney is that he sticks to that pogo and primo shit a little too much. im down for more technical ledge combos not handstand 360 flip primo to capser, to underflip to casper laser heel out...its gets kinda boring....but his capser slides back in the day were nutty. Daewon wins in my book becasue he has unrivaled balance and technical percision. Haslam is just staright nuts and rodney is legendary, but on his way out of the game.

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