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Posts posted by headpower999

  1. APU u love stalking ppls dont u, keep invading my thread dumbshit, maybe u should stikc a dior usb key up ur ass and maybe then maybe u acn become more sociaable, that gay banner rite there is u, gay clubz 4 life = apu. go back sucking ur ghey friends dixk

  2. A freind of mine wants it, i dont care if i start talking shiz in this thread, if no one wants to sell it, is fine to me. Fcuking look at the retarded response ppls get just becuz of a dior homme usb key. fuckin jealousy at its max.

  3. u speak like a freakin low-life urself, i dont see whats wrong with Australia u fuktard

    Maybe if you learned a little history, fuckin Australia is where fucking english abandoned thier top criminal back in 18 century. So true native australian are descandants of fuckin criminals. LIKE father LIKE SON, that makes austrlian wut. sfu dumbshiz. taipei x kowloon x sydney. i go x ur moma x ur grandma x ur sister too. dumbshit

  4. Sad shiz you got nothing better else to do in your life but trying to find out wtf i am going to do with a dior usb key, no wonder your fuckin live in australia, fuckin criminal land rofl. aussie the puzzy. Ok i admit i am going to store your mom naked porn in the dior usb and present it at the world trade center. happy dumbshiz nig ga fcuk face.

  5. damn brand whore.

    elitist sense will tell you that dior isn't the best for everything.

    your mom is a brand whore too. dumbshiz. i am asking this for a freind fuckin. dior might not be the bset at everything but ur mom is the best at sucking d ick.

  6. UNIQLO jeans is just like your typical jeans that you can find in fcuk,gap. I really dont know if you can find a pair of jean under 50, try warehouse sale, i have seen gap jeans for 5 dollars lmao. yes premier jeans are expensive because they use higher quality cotton, and they fit your body shape better. You can really tell if a jean is worth 50+or 200 +

  7. On average how much would you say the inseam on 19cm MIJs will shrink after wash? I'm 6' 2", but I'd prefer not to have too much stacking. Everyone says not to hem, but can anyone provide an after-wash measurement?

    you should not even worry about inseam if you are 6'2. I am 5'7 and they stack nicely. If you are 6'2, it probably wont even stack, or with min. stacking.

  8. hey if they've been worn and broken in already that adds value to the jeans. and if he went commando everytime he's worn them and they have not been washed then he's justifed to charge double the price of retail.

    WTF are you saying, worn in and broken in adds value to dior raw, are you stupid or retarded. You want your own raw to develope your own honeycomb due to ur own body shape and the activties you do with them. If I buy a pair of raw and find out the honey comb that the previous owner developed doesnt fall in the right places such as my ass,knees why woudl i even buy raw, i could just go out and buy those predistressed. At least learn your stuff before critizing the guy. He is just asking a question. Obviously, he lives in the states and he can go out and buy dior raw at retail store for 295, for ppls living in canada, that is not an option unless you want to pay 600 + 15% tax in cdn to holts.

    Free bump to fabulaz.

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