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Posts posted by azan

  1. Sick thread. I'm booked for a tattoo end of april with John Roberts, a local tattoo artist in Calgary. He's been getting lots of attention the past year.

    I lost a kidney when i was 16. The idea is to get a realistic(non traditional) life size depiction of a kidney with a dagger going through it with a grim feel. For daggers i have in mind a fairbairn sykes blade:


    Any ideas? Or sounds good? I'm east indian and I think katara daggers are dope, but i dont know how it would work with a detail cross section of a kidney.

    Some of his recent work:




  2. huh, I cant believe you guys cant tell us anything thats wrong with our fit. We post, only to get bitched at about being hetero jocks.

    ^^ PS I talk like a man, you probably talk like a castrated 4 year old.

    Heres a little teaser cuz i know how you kids like it ;)


  3. I am loving this...why do I look like shit? Tell me why, give me details, why is my shit wack. Is it because I can actually fill my jeans out?? Is that the problem?? Do i look too "hard", do i need to start sucking cock and start talking with a lisp. Do i need to take pictures with sueded red wing boots, desert clarks, wearing flannel shirts, with having a coffee cup in my hand? O i know, why dont i wear supreme, stussy, ann demeulemeeste! I could also point my knees and ankles inwards when i walk or stand, and look as though im about to collapse under my own body weight.


  4. you both look like high school soccer players who were just introduced to styleforum and have no apparent style to speak of. before you resort to unintelligent retorts do some reading, find inspiration and pull together some sort of "steez".

    also, on such a brand conscious forum why list brands when it's stuff like AA, H&M and Adidas unless it's paired with something that people will actually care about? noone's going to rep you for H&MxNaked&FamousxAdidas.

    Yeah we are athletes, what are you? Ive been on this forum longer than you have.

    I look exactly how i want to look, if my proportions are off, or my jeans dont fit, that would be different.

  5. Guys im totally knew to this fixie trend and im looking for a good entry level bike to practice on, I will eventually get to the track hopefully in 6 months or so. I have no knowledge of bikes whatsoever but have been using my dads 10 speed for awhile

    I came across this guy on kijiji that builds up fixed speed bikes and sells them. I just think this bike look sik:


    whadya guys think? should i inquire about it?

  6. i bought the lightweight indigo selvedge weird guys for 165$CAN. Im wondering if i should return them and wait for the deep indigo or indigo selvedge to come in. This denim feels damn light and is no where near as stiff as any other raw denim. I dont think they will fade at all even compared to my mules, however they might make a good summer jean.


    Why would you want to waste college on engineering, ive been stuck with the same 90 guys in my block the whole year. Do i have time for women NO. NO time, maybe if they were in my classes, or in engineering in general, i wouldnt have to walk a kilometer to the sciences or two kilometers to business to see a girl that actually looks like a normal girl, she doesnt even have to be hot, its a sight enough if you can tell shes a girl. Yeah ok so maybe there are 2 hot girls in my class, my standards are wayyy, wayy down. There are another 20 socially capable guys that are being cokblocks, but who gives a shit, because there engineers.


    ok i didn't do shit in high school, i played sports all day long. I got accepted into engineering at university of calgary. I have no work ethic, ive only worked hard in sports. I guess there are not many athletes on the board and dont give a shit, but...

    My class schedule was:

    M; 9:30-1:00 2:00-500

    T;12:30-2:00 3:45-5:00

    W: 8:00-1:00 2:00-3:50

    T: 9:00-2:00 2:30-3:45

    F: 9:00-1:00 2:00-3:50

    So its a fucking heavy schedule, considering i took a total of 4 classes in my last year of high school. Being a fucking idiot i joined the U of Calgary track team, and started practicing 20 hours a week, on their "olympic program".

    Track became my number one priority, it was too much fun. Like i was getting fucking ripped. Then midterms came, i panicked, i didnt know shit, i skipped all my classes for two weeks, i just studied my ass off. I even put off track, since i didnt show for two weeks, i got sick because i was cramming to hard, i didnt eat, i didnt sleep i just studied. I passed all my midterms except 1. I got sick though, so track was put off for a total of 3 weeks. I lost my traveling spot. And i wanted to get it back. So i started working hard...at track. FUCK, school, what happened to school, the 5 fucking classes i needed to pass i didn't do shit in. Yeah i forged my labs and copied my assignments.

    Finals came 3 weeks later. Yeah i was fuckkkkked. It was the same feeling of midterms but with a shitload of more pressure. I panicked quit track, just studied and studied. And didnt sleep. Wrote chem didnt know shit got 52 on the final, C in the course. Wrote calculus for engineers, A in the final, final mark B- in the course.

    Wrote linear algebra, it was 3 hour test and it was accumulative. FUCK, you needed to get the first question write to do the rest of them. IT TOLD YOU THE FIRST QUESTIONS ANSWER SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS>>>>rows should add to #(i cant remember the number),>>>columns this #. MINE DIDNT. I FAILED, FUCK MISERABLY.

    ENG 205, statics and dynamics, I have a 40% in the course i need a 40%, 40% of first years fail this course. Im passing because of my 100% on assignments, my midterms(3, total of 30%) have been garbage, absolute filth. Ive probably accumulated a miraculous 3 percent out of 30 on my midterms. If i failed the midterms miserably, how do you think i would do on the finals? We have yet to see, I WILL BE THE HAPPIEST MAN ALIVE IF IPASS. CURRENT GPA: 1.850

    Yeah there was an athletics frosh program for engineers, reduced course load, first priority in your discipline. Why didnt i do it? Because my dad said, 'you slacked in HS, time to work hard in University, dont waste time, time is money BLAH BLAH- FUCK, i dont give a shit when i graduate, why should i graduate at the age of 21 so i can work miserably the next 40 years of my insignificant life? I dont give a shit anymore and anything. Im probably on probation or kicked out, i dont give a shit...

  9. i think i've bombed 3/4 exams this semester, and have been afraid to look at my marks for 3 weeks now, i wish i was still in high school, i dont know if i want to become an engineer, my life is a complete mess.

  10. IMG_0299-1.jpg




    No shoes they're wet ATM.

    I cant get the damn image rotation right. Photobucket keeps screwing me over. On my comp the image is unrotated, then on photobucket it magically appears rotated. Then i try to edit it on photobucket and it doesnt work. UH Fuck my life??

  11. you are the reason people hate people that drive BMW. driving an e36 3 series is not a pussy magnet. Hell, you probably have that one with the hubcaps and think your "swagger" pulls it off but it just makes you come off as some guy driving a car because of how he thinks it makes him look.

    from his post it does not sound as if he is trying to buy a random ass used car that is going to cost money every few months because something is gonna come up. Dont buy a used European car unless you want to take care of it. i have an a4 and that shit has something come up all the time that costs money to deal with. parts cost alot, labor costs a lot. if I could do it over i would have a civic or something.

    bottom line. Buy a fucking honda fit or something and you will not have to worry about your car. it will be under warranty, get good fuel millage, and just be generally worry free. Better yet, buy a year old used civic so you dont get fucked by the dealer fees and what not.

    I do have hubcaps on, its fucking winter. I don't give a shit how my car looks, its just a blast to drive. Are fucking toyota's and honda's fun to drive? Fuck off.

    Your an idiot, do your own work, its dirt cheap. Buy your parts online at cost, borrow/buy tools if you need, read a couple DIY's, DONE. Most maintenance you can do it yourself. If you dont have time, find a reputable indie shop, order your own parts online, and just pay the labor costs. Maintenance is just a fucking excuse. All cars need maintenance, cars with more juice need more maintenance, its how it works.

    OP, you drive stick? Go drive an older BMW and test drive any new honda, even a new SI. Then tell me which car is more fun to drive. RWD vs. FWD wont even be close. I get 30 mpg's average on my car driven daily, gas is dirt cheap right now anyway, and might be for the next 5 years.

    In the end its your choice, if you drive stick take a look into older BMW's, their manual tranny's are extremely well built, if you drive auto just buy a Japanese car, their all pretty much the same.

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