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Posts posted by beefyk

  1. I tried on a pair at H&M and wasn't a fan of the fit at all. Which was too bad, I was really hoping that would be my cheap white jeans option. Might try on some the AA ones one of these days.

    What didn't you like about the fit? I tried a pair on also and they fit me so well in the butt lol. Too bad the cotton was too thin though because i noticed the outline of my underwear in the mirror.

  2. Can you please post up the knee width? New Standard's have a tapered leg so I'd like to know how much bigger the knee is vs. the hem.

    BTW, seems like there's a discrepancy between your cm and inches measurement. For example, http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2005-14,GGLD:en&q=34%2e2+inches+in+cm says that 34.2" is equal to 86.9 cm, not the 85.5 cm you have listed. The other inches and cm don't match up either.

  3. I just paypaled you for a size 11. WHat shipping method will you use?

    Too many PMs to reply too. I will take the first 15 Orders. If they are out of your size I will let you know

    Sizes 8-12, no half sizes

    $70 CAD shipped in Can

    $65 USD Shipped Asia

    $60 USD Shipped in USA

    Please send me your size, username and address

    my paypal is [email protected]

  4. Does anyone know if the inseam on the sliq raw will shrink after a wash? Like 2 inches? I'm 5'10.5" and mines is a bit too long. I bought size 31, btw.

    Also, how much has your jeans stretched in the waist?

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