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Posts posted by KingOfSilence

  1. many people know that club21 carries or is the official dealer of those brands but what people dont know is that club21 also owns them. dkny isnt doing well and that could be the main reason how club21 could have bought the shares over. when i say own i didnt mean own the shop, but i meant own the label ; )

  2. prices during sales are another story. sales are usually unwanted or oversized stuffs. then again for people who can afford branded goods, they wont really care about mark-ups. whats a hundred or two. 500 or 600 its still below 1000. if only i can shop like that hahas

  3. HI!

    I said this before. Many of Club 21's prices are OK during sale time when I compared to say Hong Kong. I am not sure their mark up is way over the top. What were they charging for the Dior Homme jeans?

    As for who can carry Dior Homme, think the main Dior Homme can come over if the market is good. Failing which it would be those bigger companies who can do so.

    whats QFT?

    Other luxury brand mark-ups are very reasonable. say LV, gucci, etc thats why japanese and indons prefer shopping branded in sg. when it comes to club21, trust me their mark-up is not any normal mark-up. and i seriously doubt if DH would come to sg cos the market here is not even worth mentioning when u compare us and hk. so too bad for the small group of people who are into DH. or choose to be ripped by 21 ; )

  4. i think the reason being club21 the only in singapore to carry DH is because of their capability and reputation. DH definitely wont just give exc dealership to just anyone. and club21 being the biggest in sg would be "most" ideal to carry DH products. but trust me club21 prices are way over the roof top. their mark-up is ridiculous and its much cheaper buying online.

  5. i dun think they are real. real ones cost at least $150sgd onwards (that is if you buy straight from the store in London. But tangs obviously got it cheaper cos they wholesale and they desperately clearing unwanteds so selling with disc...). and all swears have the swear tag behind just like converse's. imho john sullivans are fake. the material of the shoe (from patent down to laces) are disgusting. how can they even mention "by Swear" when swear shoes are made from good materials. and the life span of originals are good too. the leather dont dirty easily and easy to maintain. hope that helps.

  6. The new Swears will in Tangs soon. Early March if im not wrong. Try not to get the pointys in FarEast and Whiteroom (btw they are selling the same pointys so just drop by either and you've seen it all). Unless you're on a tight budget then FEP will do (abt $59sgd) but quality really sucks. and because it's not Swear ; ) swear is about $180-250 but turst me quality is really god!

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