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Posts posted by Counterlogic

  1. too.jpg

    uuu shooop



    I normally like your fits, but other than the almost interesting top, I can't stand any of this. The boots would be ok in another setting. The denim skirt just looks terrible (I do have something personal against them anyways, but this one is particularly :gonk:). Post more not like this lol, the rest is so good.

  2. wow! what a fun day jeremy!

    this is what i wore today


    i wasn't initially going to post it because it looked too similar to my previous outfit.. but not! yay!

    shemagh + i <3 ny shirt in yellow + H&M hoodie + porter

    i just really like the color yellow. and purple :D

    Can someone show me how to tie a shemagh like that?

  3. ok somone is probably going to murder me for this and i'm going to wake up with 7 angry hormonal SF'er with knives poking me and a rep bar as red and that cluthing guy.... but am I the only one who think the scarf in this looks rediculous with the rest of the outfit (which would be fine without it)?


    You are wrong, I don't even like most of her outfits but this one is perfect. The scarf especially, though the simple tank is the focus I think. I really like the basic matching of the tank with the shoes.

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