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  1. Is there a dedicated workshirt thread? I couldn't find one... Anyhoo, I'm looking for a nicely made workshirt. Specifically, something sturdy, not necessarily denim (I'm not going for the cowboy look), and not really into plaid. I see lots of options from FH, Sam, etc. etc. Any comments or experience? Are the arms typically short like the japanese denim jackets?
  2. Welcome all to the new and improved Samurai thread! Check out the existing thread for more info. I'll update this post on occasion with news, events, etc. (image from www.samurai-j.com) Happy 10th Samurai. Be patient while we organize the first few posts. -GG LINKS Website - http://www.samurai-j.com/ Motor Club - http://www.samurai-c.com/ SOURCES ONLY source for SamuraI in North America: Blue in Green Soho - www.blueingreensoho.com (note that back pocket stitching and tabs will NOT be present on the jeans in this store (some exceptions apply)) Gordon is extremely helpful (and patient). This is your only chance of buying jeans and having a remote chance of returning them if they don't fit. BiG offers a One-wash service if you don't want to soak your jeans yourself. They also offer a chainstitching service to shorten the inseam length. Japan: Most of the stores in Japan DO NOT ship outside of Japan. For information on proxies and shipping, see the Proxy Thread or the Options for Buying Japanese Goods thread. 2nd - ships internationally, but restrictions apply. Jeans, Jackets, Other. D-Stock Americaya Klax-on Hong Kong: Take5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ONLY OPTION FOR ACQUIRING SAMURAI JEANS WITH BACK-POCKET STITCHING AND A RED TAB IS TO ORDER THEM FROM JAPAN*. BiG DOES NOT* SELL MODELS WITH THESE FEATURES. *with the exception of lee-style reproductions and certain models with low-visibility stitching -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Probably the least appreciated, Wrangler repros deserve some more attention around here. It seems as though most Japanese repro companies have focused on Levi's and Lee, and throw in a few of Wrangler's details now and then...possibly because up until recently, the back pocket stitching was a big priority...and in that category, Wrangler gets no love. (just my theory) Link to DDML's Wrangler info page. Studio D'Artisan XS-26 Samurai S0210xj (with Lee stitching and Lee-style LH twill)
  4. Enough about Levi's...let's appreciate the Lee repros (while they last). Link to jubei's great post on vintage Lee details, and lildavid's link to a Lee info page. The famous Samurai Jin 0110xj's: The matching jacket (0111xj) Real McCoy collabo 101z (also available in button fly - 101b) Studio D'Artisan D1325
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