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Posts posted by musicisdead

  1. how is anyone not a fan of union!?

    I just picked some up a while back, they are nice.

    I'll be up at Heavenly this Sat if anyone will be up there.

    Also still have some BNIB Smith I/Os with the red Sol X mirror if anyone wants them. 135! 165 new before taxes etc!!

  2. Also, for no apparent reason my NiteCore D11 Cree XP-G R5 stopped working 2 months after I bought it. I posted up about this a while back. The button on the end of it that you press to turn it on won't go in at all.

    I looked inside of it and everything looks normal. You guys suggested just trying to take it apart since it is a piston but I can't get it to move whatsoever. Tried using a screwdriver, tried everything but for some reason it is just stuck...

    Pretty annoyed since I only used it a few times, never dropped it, it was just sitting on my desk when all of a sudden the button won't move now.

  3. So I just found out that I can get 50% off any Spyderco product. Even though I frequent this thread I usually skip over the talk about knives because I have a few/wasn't planning on getting another any time soon.

    So now I am interested and were wondering what would be a good non-serated Spyderco. Since my budget is around 100 the normal price would be around 200 +/-

    Any suggestions?

    Edit: It could even be 2 knives, one for around 75 and the other for around 20 (Normal price 150 and 40)

    Also found out I have the same discount on Kershaw as well if they have some nice ones you would recommend as well.

  4. So I just found out that I can get 50% off any Spyderco product. Even though I frequent this thread I usually skip over the talk about knives because I have a few/wasn't planning on getting another any time soon.

    So now I am interested and were wondering what would be a good non-serated Spyderco. Since my budget is around 100 the normal price would be around 200 +/-

    Any suggestions?

    Edit: It could even be 2 knives, one for around 75 and the other for around 20 (Normal price 150 and 40)

  5. The button on the bottom of my NiteCore D11 Cree XP-G R5 randomly stopped working. As in it won't press in. I didn't drop the flashlight or anything, it just sat on my counter for a while then I tried using it last night and it won't click. The thing is practically new too! Any ideas? No amount of force will work..

  6. Me neither. I've had a lot of japanese cars but never cared for the 350z until I saw the Nismo edition. The front and rear end both really make the car stand out and it looks amazing. The ride is also what I consider the perfect balance of comfort and handling. Really neutral handling and getting the car to rotate with the throttle is so easy.. So far everybody who has sat in it has walked away with a different opinion of Z's.

    I drove an 04 350z for the past year+, still haven't driven a Nismo though 2 of my friends have had them.

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