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Posts posted by vjiforlife

  1. there are a few factors to the skull situation. i feel you when you say don't be a pussy and get the raw ones, and i understand the availability of the one wash skulls and how easy it would be for me. however, the length is fucking with me. maybe i got sent the wrong ones, which i will investigate. so, if i get the raw skull jeans, should i get a sz 31 instead of a sz 32? get at me people.

  2. hey i just got my 5010xx6x6 one wash skulls sz 32. now that i have em i dont whether i should have got the raw ones. will they wear in like the raw skulls? should i have gotten the raw instead of the one wash? they are also not as long as i expected them to be. could someone give me some advice on these?


  3. battle royale 2 is all bad. the first one is dope. second one was too drawn out and sappy. check out dead or alive, ichi the killer, etc. (netflix homey) if you are interested in japanese films.

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