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Posts posted by soisbelle

  1. OK I am really excited about the Canon, and am tossing up between the SD630 and the SD700 - the major difference the latter has IS.

    Is IS really a feature worth paying a little bit more for? Have you found your photos have been sharper?

    Thanks again.

  2. Hoping you guys can help me out...

    I want to pick up a digital camera that I can do quality movie recordings on too, but one that won't cost the earth (couple hundred bucks). I have a digital SLR but want something small and light for happy snaps and video for my next trip. The key factors I want are quality, sharp images (perhaps one with an image stabiliser), good colour, easy to use. Maybe one with good settings like night mode etc that actually do enhance your shots.

    With so many cameras out there and more being released every week it's very overwhelming!

    Please, send me your recs, and let me know why it's worth getting.

    Also are there any online tech stores that are good value and can be recommended? Thanks so much! :)

  3. The only thing I could suggest is don't pack too much in. You only have a month and it sounds like you would only have time for 1-2 days in each place, and travelling between cities/countries takes up quite a bit of time. Why not just focus on one country, say Spain or Italy. Take your time and enjoy the cities, don't rush through them. Sure, you can say you've 'been' there, but you won't really have seen them. The world isn't going anywhere - you can always come back and see the places you didn't have time for.

    I had to do this 3 years ago when I spent 4 months in Europe, I cut back to just 3 countries and it was brilliant. Being able to just walk around, sit in a cafe for hours and people watch, doing what I want and not having to pack it in because I have to leave the next day. It's disappointing when you're at the planning stage because you do want to see so much, but it's better this way. You'll also save money because you won't be spending it on trains, buses, planes.

    Have fun, whatever you do :-)

  4. Capital L is quite cool, and you can have a walk up and down Oxford St (where Incu is as well - but Incu is pretty boring IMO). I haven't been thrilled by any retail shopping in Sydney lately. Paddington Markets on Saturdays are still popular, even though the prices are whoa Nelly and originality has gone down, but still fun for a potter round.

    Save your tired feet for a cocktail at Opera Bar or Ravesi's at Bondi as the sun goes down...

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