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Posts posted by justinbaily21

  1. I'm going to have to take a temporary leave of absence from this awsome experiment. I have too much on my plate right now and would not have the time to devote to the jeans. My turn will have to be pushed back to some time next year.

  2. Well the item does seem to technically exist, unless the seller is an especially gifted photo-shopper. Beyond that, I'm not entirely sure. I was under the impression that the DH bar was supposed to be on the center loop, but I may be wrong.

  3. I completely agree: on your person at all times.

    Eating, sleeping, fucking, church, work - I think that we should always be wearing them. Theetruscan, please tell me that there has been some kind of progress with your luggage.

  4. I want to know, too. I doubt it, though. Don't you think that he would tell us asap? The whole thing has made me so anxious, but it will be a good story for the jeans. The project was almost over before it began...

  5. Why do so many people here hate on bootcut anyway ?? Nudie ralfs are worn by a fair few people in waywt and nobody says a thing.

    1) That post is a little contradictory if you think about it.

    2) It tends to look douche-y and sloppy. I'm generally not of fan of sharp tappers or flared boot-cuts, but I don't mind subtle versions of the afformentioned as long as they are on the appropriate body-types.

  6. Return to Cookie Mountain is fucking excellent. I find Bloc Party to be pretentious and a little juvenile. They have always been pussies.

    Turning away from the light

    Becoming adult

    Turning into myself

    I wanted to bite not destroy

    To feel her underneath

    Turning into the light

    Blah. However, they play their instruments well (particularly their drummer) and have a happy attitude. I like a few of their remixed songs for working out. I think that there might be a bit of a "pussification" going on in throughout the world, in general.

  7. Pandemonium brings up a good point. For a moment, let's go beyond 'ethnicity vs. clothing," and expand it in the same vain, but from a different perspective. I have read a few posts on this forum asking for opinions on some extremely tacky clothes (like jeans with wild tears, crystals and Marylin Monroe prints all over them) which were rightfully attacked. These obvious critisisms were qualified with phrases like, "Of course, unless your gay. If that's the case, they look great." Comments like these still confuse me. To me, if something is ugly, then it always possesses that quality, regardless of the person wearing them (assuming that the fit is okay).

    Is it something about the way that these sub-culutres present themselves, or is it based on a stereotype of what they usually wear?

  8. Very good post on what I was about to write.

    When I first read jmatsu's post, my first thought was somehting along the lines of, "Yeah, black people look great in urban wear, etc, but white people look terrible in it. What gives?" On second thought, I think that everybody looks terrible in that type of clothing. In my opinion, all people look the best in this same sort-of like tasteful style. This is independant of the person's ethnicity. Maybe certain color and body-type issues come into play that I am not really considering, but I think that just about everybody looks best in a lot of the same things.

    You're picking up on certain styles fitting different ethnicities in your mind based on your understanding of their culture and general fashion. When you see something that doesn't jar with your traditional experiences, it seems odd.

  9. I try not to allow fashion to dictate what I will wear. If I like the piece, then (barring some sort of revelation or evolution of personal style) I will continue to like it whether the general public likes it, or not. For instance, most people whom I know do not care for slim-ish jeans, suits, button-ups or ties, but I continue to wear them because they fit my physique and aesthetic. I have always liked this look, and draw inspiration from 60's era outfits. Most of my pieces are basic and classic, so they rarely look jarringly out of place or tacky.

    However, I will indulge in something unique every once-in-a-while like a Band of Outsiders tie, or something unusual to spice up an outfit.

  10. I have a suggestion. Change the size table so that in the "SIZE" row there is A, B, C, ... instead of 30, 31, 32, ... I bet there would be less confusion here said the joker to the... :)

    Well, you are missing the point of the +2. You are meant to purchase your true size, and then wear the jeans on your hips. I am guessing that that is why Cheep took pictures with both the 28" (his "real size") and a 30" (technically +2). If you prefer the first look, size down 2. If you prefer the second (which I do, very much), then purchase true to waist size. Unfortunately, 32" is my "real size," and I typically size up to a 34" to get the same look. I was considering purchasing a 34" tagged for the measurements (which would be perfect), but in a 36" waist, it would be 4 sizes too big... Good luck to all participating, and congratulations to those that got this project off of the ground. It has been expertly handled, thus far. This seems like as close to a Warehouse (denim) X APC (cut) colab as we're ever going to get, and the price is perfect.

  11. What's wrong with a conservative suit for a professional interview? I love my Samurais and Vans as much as the next SuFuer, but I'm no fool. When I start interviewing for my med-school spot, I'll be showing up in a Black Brook's Brothers suit, black Allen Edmonds Park Avenues, a conservative red/blue tie from Ben Silver and a white, oxford button-down shirt. It should all be well-tailored, of course, but not flashy. Why in the world would you even consider that aluminium monstrosity?

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