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Posts posted by gagarin

  1. After the events of the street performer storyline on last night's episode, I take back my earlier guess. They are definitely going to use the real life case as inspiration.

    And I loved last night's episode by the way.

  2. So, some New Orleans natives are noticing a resemblence to the story of the french quarter musicians on Treme to a reali life event that happened in the which now lives in infamy. the peoiple that they are probably are based on are Zachary Bowen and Adrian hall. I wont say what happened between the two just in case it is where the series is going with it.

    But if you dont mind a possible spoiler...click the link to read the real life story...


    I'll try to be as vague as possible so I don't give away anything to people who don't know what happened.

    I'm not sure the show is going to progress that way. One reason is that I think David Simon is trying to be a little less based-on-real-life this time around than in The Wire. He still pulls from real life, though, and the John Goodman storyline is apparently based on a real life blogger.

    But I don't know about the Sonny and Annie storyline. I'll give you that it's weird that her name is Annie the real girl's name is Addie, but I don't see them having a violate relationship. They just seem to disappoint each other, but not in an out of the ordinary way. Then again, this week we learned the Sonny is from out of the country. He says he wanted to get to New Orleans as soon as he could, so we don't know what he was getting away from.

  3. Yeah, I really like where the show is going after that last episode. I found myself actually liking the street performers now. Line of the night has to be "Davis, try not to talk."

    Looking forward to next week's episode, the story seems to finally be going somewhere

  4. Just got my first pair of STFs today. I ordered them up 1" in the waist and 3" on the length (I wear a 32/33, I ordered 33/36).

    I soaked them in warm water for 20-30 minutes, briefly put them on while they were still wet, and then left them outside for an hour or so. When I put them back on, they were still a little damp but I've had them on since then. They fit nearly perfectly and I'm really impressed, especially considering they were only $30 or $35.

    edit: Also just get them from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Levis-Mens-Shrink-Rigid-36x36/dp/B0018OMPQE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=apparel&qid=1271893663&sr=8-1

  5. Jar Jar style character (Zahn) to lighten the mood in Treme.

    This is the only thing I'm worried about. I personally wasn't too annoyed by Zahn's character, but every time I've read a review of the show, people are always blasting him and saying how annoying he is. I can see what they mean, so I hope he doesn't develop into the next Ziggy Sobotka.

  6. I have a Polaroid OneStep 600 and about 30 more boxes of Polaroid film sitting around my place. I bought a lot right when they said they were discontinuing it and have been using it here and there since then.

    I used to shoot quite a bit with an Olympus XA-2 but got bored with having to wait so long between taking a photo and seeing it. By the time I saw them, I had almost forgotten I ever took them. That being said, if I had the money I would definitely shoot it more often.

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