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Posts posted by toothpaste100

  1. @35percent

    That USAtoday link was really interesting. I've heard similar stuff from my training as a lifeguard and we're certainly heading towards a simpler compression only CPR with the 30:2 revisions. The problem is that until I get trained to use hands only, I might be putting myself liable for a lawsuit if I chose to ignore my training and use compression only if I had access to a pocket mask... That reminds me, I think my CPR certification expires next month.

    Oh funny story btw: I heard a lifeguard in my area a few years back was treating a VSA and instead of actually breathing into the victim, they bent over by their ear and said "BREATH" instead of ventilating.

  2. Oh I do have an EMS question for you that I was thinking about the other week when I was going over my pathology notes... sucking chest wound. I was taught a while back that an ideal first aid treatment would be to tape a credit card to the wound to create a one way valve outwards, but I'm guessing that scenario makes a few assumptions about the anatomy of the wound that are a little inappropriate and finicky for an emergency, especially when managing shock. So would it be better to simply seal the wound as best as possible with gauze and not worry about the pneumothorax?

  3. Thanks a lot for the first aid kid links, its just what I was looking for.

    The adhesive is more for any wipeouts on a longboard before a day of lectures so I don't bleed all day. My old workout partner used to call me stigmata from all the random cuts and bleeding I'd get from lifting.

    Personally, if it was a kid or a healthy looking young adult I'd use a strip of plastic with a hole in it for breathing or a scrap of cloth... I know I'm clean. The realities of CPR are pretty brutal though; I'm glad that my municipality has placed AEDs in every public building around town. Even still, if someones flatlined, they're still pretty SOL unless they're a young kid. I'm looking to take my First Responder training this fall if I make it onto my schools Emergency First Response Team... I failed the tryout two years back because I did CPR C standards instead of the CPR HCP standards they were looking for. Damn lifeguarding brainwashing me into CPR C no matter how hard I try to do HCP haha

  4. Does anyone carry any First Aid equipment with them? I always have a pocket mask and gloves attached to my school bag, but I've been looking into picking up a basic first aid kit and some Veterinary tissue adhesive (superglue) for major cuts and lacerations.

  5. marc emery is more than just a local activist, the dude is the prince of pot! i cant believe theyre finally locking him up.. shits fucked.

    free marc emery!


    ^^blazing up in front of a local police station..

    Yeah he was an amazing guy; I wish I had a chance to meet him whenever he came to Ontario. I referred to him as local just because he ran for mayor and did a lot of great work in Vancouver, but he also started his political work in London, Ontario. If you're a Canadian, you should fire off an e-mail to the justice minister demanding he serve his time in Canada. I have, but I'm sure my emails are quickly deleted... whatever, use your vote come election time.

    If anyone in the United States is interested, there are contact details for the judge on this page as well as information for Canadians who want to take action: http://cannabisculture.com/v2/content/2010/05/10/Its-Official-Conservatives-Extradite-Marc-Emery

  6. @Knugget

    While I agree that a very fine grind is critical for papers, the reward that comes after weeks of passing buds over a kief screen is so awesome that I can't resist using it for everything.

    Also, for the Canadians here, its a pretty tragic day for Vancouver. A local Marijuana activist named Marc Emery has finally gotten the decision to be extradited to the United States to serve 5 years for a crime that he'd only receive a $200 fine. He has raised thousands of dollars (I'd like to say more but I don't know the exact figure) for legalization efforts and many are calling this a political act and not a criminal one. Strange times we live in. I'll say this: I'm very troubled by where the Conservative government is taking our country and I'd advise everyone to check their values against the values Stephen Harper is representing at home and on the world stage.

    Full story: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2010/05/10/bc-marc-emery-extradition-again.html

  7. Got my first knife the other day, a Byrd Robin with a combo edge, and I love it. The edge could be a bit sharper I suppose, but it can cut through anything I put it to with ease. It's really tiny at only 84 mm closed with a 64 mm blade. I'm finding the lock just about impossible to disengage with one hand and I have a pretty strong grip, so I'm gonna look into loosening up the locking mechanism if possible. Man I'm already craving a Spyderco... wish I wasn't so broke.

    Sorry for the stock photo: kb408byrd3a.jpg

  8. ^yo man. gettin high should be simple..looks way too hi-tec and shit.

    How much does that thing go for?

    Its not hard to use really... you just gotta turn it on a few minutes before you wanna blaze so its nice and hot. After that its no more complex than a bong.

    It goes for $250, bit less if you're thrifty, but shits so cash.

  9. arizerextreme.jpg

    Just thought I'd rep my vaporizer; its the V-tower Extreme by Arizer.

    It blows bags, it does whips, and it can even blow the smoke through the whip for you! Best part is: it costs less than half the price of a Volcano but has all the features, plus it has a remote! Although, I am quite envious of the Volcano's valve system, which would be quite sick to have. I'm looking into finding a small piece of cork to stopper the bag, but press n' seal plastic wrap has been working so far. I'll put up a pic of my own model in action when I have access to a camera. If anyone has been to the Hot Box Cafe in Toronto, its their stock vaporizer.

    anyone owned/used one of the arizer v-tower extreme's? I'm thinking about picking one up soon, i've seen some pretty good reviews

    Ask me anything.

  10. i don't know if you're just teasing on my choice of light (it was cheap, aight?), but to answer your q seriously, i think i'd rather have a heftier light for the purpose of smashing face, something more the length of a kubaton or even a billie. in an overhand grip (LED facing pinky, thumb on clicky) the strike bezel barely sticks out of my fist (and i have small hands)..

    No tease! I love DX... in fact I wish I could sign on as a consultant; can you imagine how cheap they could sell bongs and paraphernalia to Americans for? I was gonna order a Fenix E01 from them but I got it from 4Sevens instead so that I don't have to deal with DX's ridiculous shipping times. I'm looking to pick up one of the bigger ultrafires for my room next year at school as I'm the only guy in a house of girls, so if something goes down with any drunk ex-bfs its my role to man up and clean up.

  11. LOL ohh.. i see what you were getting at.

    Im assuming that if a blunt fist can do damage, a tac bezel, be it a cheap one, at the same force would do some super effective and double damage as long as your crit chance is high.

    Hmm perhaps its better to spend more gold on a Surefire with +2 to sneak damage and Summon Police On Strike.

    Honestly though, I don't really believe in tacticool pens and all that jazz. Every time I've been jumped has been when I was too drunk to defend myself anyways. So in a sober situation; I was a track MVP... I'm gonna stick with Run-Fu.

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