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fade to black2

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Posts posted by fade to black2

  1. FabGeek you gonna be shooting your portfolio with that?

    i was firmly of the belief that film makes for better prints but some prints i had made for an exhibition lately on fiber paper from the 5D turned out alright, if abit dark in the shadow areas...i have a bad habit of tending to underexpose as up to now i've been mostly looking at my pictures on the comp screen


  2. hah i'm never gonna live that one down, some things are better left untold lest they be carried on down to legend...

    what can i say, some of my relatives up north wanted me to marry her because they thought i had money (which i don't), she kept coming down to look me up, i did the deed and i wasn't going to have her any further.

    it's a closed chapter, last i heard she's married with a child now. good for her.

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