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Posts posted by ThatsMyName

  1. for sale on ebay-

    nwot- RRL work pants carpenter style buckle back jeans


    Smith's overalls- beat up old pair of carpenter jeans


    And a pair of old levi 519's? I think with orange tag. mgiht be 310's dont know much bout these style levi's

    thanks for looking

  2. so I got these and soaked etc was wondering if anyone thinks I should get them hemmed or if they arent that bad. these are the ones that were standing up by themselves the other day in the evolution thread. They only shrank to like 37 or 37.2ish. and no I dont care about my identity its just now that my dad is looking for work I thought it would be good to have his picture up places. thanks


  3. I dont think I would want a taper leg anymore but regardless I have to find somewhere with a size 28. Now that I think about it I have probably done more than jsut ride and walk- althought I ride an average of 10 miles daily give or take a few days. I have ripped up a few floors, built some furniture for my apartment and I try to do some freelance work which usually leads to carrying and moving shit. I might go for the 0710's even with the taper becuase their size 28 is pretty close to the measurements of my NS's now so that would be good. I'll let you all know what I get. thanks for help.

  4. thanks 7887- I ride my bike everywhere. I hike occasionally but I live near the city so I am always riding back and forth. I would like to say I do more outdoorsy stuff but for the amount of times that I actually go camping I hardly think it affects the wear much- so probably its from riding, walking and sitting on my ass. Also thanks for the tip state.

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